My hands gripping her hips, holding her inplace.
Her whole body trembling.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
“Lucy, what are you doing?”
Her head peeked out from behind the fridgedoor. “I’m alley-catting. What does it look like?”
I stared at her unblinkingly from my spoton the couch.
Her smile widened. “You see what I didthere? Alley? Jason? Alley-catting?”
I heaved a sigh. “It wasn’t as funny as youwould think, Lucy.”
It was a Thursday and Jason had left at5:00 AM for an early shoot. Their schedule was intense and I wanted nothing todo with it—not that I didn’t enjoy spending time in his trailer and focusing onmy writing, but I could barely focus when he was around me.
“Oh, come on, it was. Don’t break my heartby saying I’m not funny. I don’t want to spend my entire night telling jokes toeveryone around me to assert my funniness.”
Ignoring her, I asked, “So, how is it goingwith the new roommate? Char’s friend, Lily, right?”
“Yes, Lily.” She scrunched up her nose as ifshe had smelled something bad. “Not that sure about her. I’m giving her moretime.”
Finally closing the fridge door, sheplopped down next to me and handed me an apple while she clutched a bowl ofblueberries in her hand.
I looked at the apple in my hand and thento Lucy. “What is this for?”
“Now that you are getting it on the reg,you need to eat healthier to keep up with Jason Thorn.” She cocked her head,but stared intently into her bowl. “Because you do need to keep up with himdon’t you? He is a machine in bed, isn’t he?”
I raised my brows and took a bite from myapple, but otherwise stayed silent.
Picking up a blueberry, she gave me a sideglance. “Well?”
I shook my head. “Sorry, I’m not fallingfor that. No sex details. Already told you that, I don’t know, a thousand timestoday?”
She put her bowl down on the couch andpulled her legs up to face me. “You’re no fun at all, Olive. How am I supposedto live vicariously through you if you don’t give me the details? What did Iever do to you to deserve such cruelty?”
I took another bite of my apple and pickedup my laptop from the gargantuan ottoman. Before I opened it, I twisted to faceLucy.
Her eyes were expectant, her excitementwritten all over her face.
“Let’s make a deal,” I said.
“Great. Let’s. I love deals.” She held outher hand to me.
I took her hand and stared straight intoher eyes. “You tell me about Jameson and I’ll give you a few small detailsabout Jason.”
She shook my hand enthusiastically. “Done.You already saw Jameson’s penis, so you know that he is hung.”
Squeezing my eyes shut as if that woulderase the memory of that image, I held up my hand, palm out. “Not that.God, no. Not bed details. I think I heard more than enough from the next roomto have an idea of how he is in bed. Tell me what you’re doing withJameson.” I winced when I saw the look on her face. “Not in the literal sense.Tell me if you are in love with him.” Then it was her turn to wince. “Tell mewhat’s going on, Lucy. Ever since this book stuff and Jason stuff happened, allwe ever talk about is me. Even though I’m quite aware of how much you lovetalking about those particular subjects, I’m more interested in your life.”
“Nothing exciting is going on in my life. Ilike yours much better.” She popped a few blueberries into her mouth andaverted her gaze.
“Lucy, please, just tell me why you won’tdate the guy. He is crazy for you.”