Page 123 of To Love Jason Thorn

“For god’s sake! I’m coming,” I shoutedagain.

I sighed and said to Olive, “Hold thatthought until I get back.”

By the time we were shooting the martinishot, it had already gotten dark outside and I hadn’t seen or heard from Olivefor hours. After a quick talk with Tanner and Lindsay about the next day’sschedule, I was heading straight to her, hoping that she was still in thetrailer.

I unlocked the door and got in, butcouldn’t find her on the first floor. Heading up to the screening room, I foundher curled up on the corner of the couch, her laptop on her lap, her fingerstapping furiously. When I got close enough to see her face, I noticed the tearsfalling from her eyes.

“Olive, what’s wrong?”

She flinched and her fingers stopped movingfor a moment as she looked up at me.

“Sorry,” she sniffled. “I didn’t hear you.Can you just give me a second? I need to finish this scene.”

“Of course,” I said, a little dumbstruck. Isat down. She gave me a small smile and then turned her eyes back to thescreen.

Sitting beside her, my hands were adamantthat she needed them on her skin, so I reached out and gathered her hair on theother side of her neck. Small goose bumps appeared on her skin, but I doubtedshe even noticed me touching her.

After several minutes passed and she wasdone with whatever was making her cry, she twisted in her seat and faced me. Myhands were on her face in a second. “Sweetheart, why are you crying?” I asked,wiping away her tears. She must’ve been crying for a long time for her eyes tobe so red and puffy.

She gave a miserable laugh and wiped at herface with the back of her hand. “Her father…her father died.”

“Aww, baby, whose father died?” I brushed asmall kiss on her mouth, tasted her salty lips, and leaned back. I was stillstroking her jawline, quite possibly to assure myself that she was okay.

“Maya’s,” she replied as fresh tears startedspilling down her cheeks. Noticing my questioning look, she clarified. “The newbook I’m working on. Maya is the heroine. Her father had cancer, and she waswith him…his last night, holding his hand, and then he never made it tomorning. He knew…he wasn’t going to, and he loved her so much.”

Her breath hitched and the tears startedcoming faster.

“Oh, baby,” I whispered with a smallchuckle, and then she was in my arms, her face buried in my neck. She was sowarm, so beautiful, both inside and out.

“And then,” she continued. “And then shemet this jerk in a hotel and he heard her crying from next door and barged intoher room when…” Another sniffle. “When she was reading her father’s letters.”

I stroked her hair and then her back. Myheart was breaking into a million pieces as she cried her heart out for hercharacters.

“That’s good though, isn’t it?” I askedsoftly. Pulling the rest of her body into my lap, I let her straddle me andplaster herself to my chest as I started to stroke her thighs to calm her down.“She won’t be alone. I’m sure you’ll make the guy help her.”

She put her small hands on my shoulders andlifted her head up. “He’d been a jerk to her before that so they don’t likeeach other that much, but he’ll be worried when he sees her crying.”

I brushed her hair back so I could see hersplotchy but still beautiful face. “Will they fall in love?”

She gave me a small smile. “Very much so.”

“Good for them,” I whispered, loving howshe was looking at me. Her eyes had a vulnerability in them, yet it made herlook all the more powerful somehow.

“But first she’ll ask him to have sex withher,” she said, her smile turning wicked. That’s when I realized exactly whereshe was sitting. Returning her smile, I gathered all of her hair in my handsand dropped it back over her shoulders.

“I thought they didn’t like each other,little Olive. Does she really want him to have sex with her?”

She nodded eagerly and wiggled her sexy assa little back so she could settle down more firmly on my newly awakeningerection.

“I bet her lips look so beautiful all redand swollen, just like yours do now. I bet he jumps on that idea.” I grippedher chin and pressed my thumb on her bottom lip, pulling on it gently.

She rolled her hips and I had to drop myhead back and close my eyes to hold it together. Resting her cheek on myshoulder, she whispered, “Not really. He didn’t want to take advantage of herwhen she was upset, but she’ll change his mind.”

“I bet she will. I bet he can never say noto her,” I said, not moving my head an inch. If I looked down at her and thoselips, I was going to lose it.

Her warm lips pressed against my neck andmy hands tightened on her thighs. When I felt her body lean away from mine, Iopened my eyes to see her reaching for her bag. I steadied her hips to keep herwhere she was.

After struggling to find something in herbag, she whipped out a condom, looking pretty proud of herself.