Page 122 of To Love Jason Thorn

Ignoring my warning, she pulled me down bymy neck and kissed the fuck out of me.

By the time there was someone banging onthe door, I was fucking her through our clothes.

I wrenched my lips away from hers andsnarled at whoever the hell was at the door.

“Starting the scene in ten, Jason!” someoneyelled from the other side. It sounded like the AD.

I rested my head on Olive’s shoulder. “Bethere in a minute.”

Watching how fast her chest was rising andfalling gave me immense pleasure. I did that to her. I took herbreath away.

Pushing up with my hands, I looked down ather flushed face. Her eyes were dilated.

“I love this look on you, Olive,” I said,feeling so many things all at once.

“What look?” she asked breathlessly.

“This look that says, I’ve been fuckedso very well.”

She laughed. “I don’t remember beingfucked.”

I lifted an eyebrow. “You don’t? Maybe weshould amend that.”

Her expression serious, she nodded. “Wedefinitely should. I want you so bad, Jason. In me. On me.”

I groaned and hid my face against herthroat. They pounded on the door again.

“We need to leave.”

“I’ll stay here. The kissing and all thatwas starting to get to me. Plus, I want some of it to be a surprise when I’mwatching the movie. I feel motivated enough to write more so I should takeadvantage of that.”

“Ok, sweetheart.” I kissed her nose andslowly backed away from her body. “If I can’t come back in between takes, I’llmake sure to have somebody bring you lunch.”

“When does shooting end today?”

“I think closer to eight. Tanner wants toshoot some of the street shots today. Why do you ask?”

Sitting cross-legged on the couch, shestraightened her shirt and looked away. “No reason. I thought maybe when we gethome, we could…” Her words trailed off.

“We could what, baby?”

She stayed silent but bit her lip, drawingmy attention.

Placing my hands on either side of herhips, I got in her face and asked again, “We could what, Olive? What do youwant from me?”

She lifted her eyes and met my gaze. “Iwant you.”

“You got me.”

“Did I?” she asked, tilting her head.

I nipped her lips and she squealed. “Doesmy wife want her husband to fuck her? Is that what you are trying to ask?”

Her gaze softened and she placed a handover my cheek. “Can he?”

“Oh, baby,” I murmured, breathing in herunique scent. “You want to be properly fucked, don’t you?”

“Mr. Thorn? Everyone is waiting for you onset. What should I tell them?” This time it was the PA they had assigned tome—you could tell from the uncertainty in his voice.