Page 121 of To Love Jason Thorn

I patted her ass and smiled into her hair.“I know, baby. It’s okay, we’re almost at the trailer. I’ll protect you.”

“Are we going to the hospital?”

“Olive, they didn’t even touch you,sweetheart.”

“But what if one of them is in my hair? Ifhe is anywhere near my head, I’ll be dead in seconds.”

Her nose was tickling my neck, but then Ifelt something different.


“Yes,” she mumbled back.

“Did you just sniff me?”

Her body tightened again. “No. No. I sniffled.I was checking to see if I was about to cry. You know, readying myself just incase.”

“I see.”

My body shaking with laughter, I managed toopen the door to our trailer and carried my wife inside. Walking toward thecouch, I gently lay her down on it.

With a smile glued to my face, I lookeddown at her. She genuinely looked scared. Pushing her bangs away from her eyes,I said, “Don’t move a muscle, beautiful.”

Before I could extract myself from herarms, her hand reached up and touched my dimple. Tilting my head, I kissed herfinger and left her side so I could go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Ihad kissed Lindsay, or I should say Evie, a total of twenty times. I didn’twant the lingering taste of her in my mouth. It wasn’t that Lindsay wasn’t aprofessional about it, I just wanted Olive’s taste back.

As soon as I was done, I was crawling ontop of her and reaching for her lips. She hadn’t said anything about thefilming, and while I was curious to hear what she thought about the scenes wehad shot, kissing her was higher on my priority list.

Nudging her lips open, I sneaked my tongueinside her mouth and gently tilted her head back so I could sink into her. Ididn’t know how long I kissed her liked that, drinking her in, memorizing herscent, but when I slid my erection against the seam of her leggings, her littlemoan reached through the thick fog that was blinding me.

Ending the kiss, I rested my forehead onhers and listened to her heavy breathing.

“What did you think?” I asked in a heavyvoice when I could think more clearly.

“You were amazing,” she whispered as shelooked into my eyes with her heart shining right at the edges.

Amused, I asked, “Lindsay?”

She made a cute, funny face. “I think I’mokay with the fictional Evie having her happy ending with Isaac, but watchingit in real life…actually watching her kiss you soooo many times, and from somany different angles? Not so sure about that.”

I laughed and kissed her again.

“That’s why I was dying to get you backhere. I think I prefer to kiss the author.”

“How does it work exactly? I mean, how canyou not feel something for her and then go ahead and kiss her like that?”


“Like you wanted to eat her up?”

“I want to eat you up, Olive. Can I?”

“I’m serious, though.”

“Baby, nothing about those kisses wasintimate. Didn’t you see how many times we had to stop to make sure thedirector was happy with the angle and the lighting? It’s Isaac and Evie kissingat that moment, not Lindsay and Jason. Now, I really want it to be Jason andOlive kissing,” I murmured into her ear and left a trail of small kisses on herneck.

Arching her neck to get more, she liftedher hips.

I groaned and pushed her hips back down tothe couch with my hand. “I’m afraid if we start with that, I won’t be able toget back to the set.”