Page 120 of To Love Jason Thorn

“Action!” Tanner yelled.

It all began.


Two hours of shooting later, I found myselfnext to Olive, gripping her hand tightly, her grip on mine just as strong.

“I have an hour in between takes,” I saidas I checked the watch on my wrist. “You want to head back to the trailer? Icould use some quiet.” I needed to get her alone.

She followed me without a peep.

The PA dropped us off at the craft servicestation and I got myself coffee and Olive some tea. Since the trailer wasn’tfar away, I sent the PA away so I could have Olive to myself as we walked theshort distance.

A big group of people exited one of thewarehouses that was on the way to my trailer and swarmed around us. We had toslow down our steps and let them pass toward the small fake town. I figuredthey must have been taking a break from shooting.

When Olive suddenly stopped moving, Ihalted and glanced back at her.

“What’s going on?” I asked as she jerkedher hand from mine and started waving it in front of her face. “Olive, what areyou doing?”

“Is that a bee?” she squeaked, hurriedlybacking away.

“I guess so. Why? What’s wrong?”

“Oh my god, there are more!” she yelled andjumped on the bench that was closest to her.

By then a few people had stopped andstarted watching her, trying to understand what the commotion was about.

I jogged to her side. “Olive stop jumping,you’re gonna fall and break your neck.”

“Jason! Jason, you have to help me!”

Yup, there were only two bees, though thesetwo were persistent suckers.

“Baby,” I said, chuckling. “Quit wavingyour hands around and jumping away if you don’t want them to sting you.”

“They’re coming after me! How can I stop!Get them away from me, please.”

“Okay.” I sighed and caught her behind herknees. Without hesitation, she jumped into my arms and wrapped herself aroundme, her face hiding in my neck.

She whimpered and I had to bite back mylaugh.

“I didn’t know you were afraid of bees,Olive.”

“Are they gone?” she whispered into my neck.I could barely make out her words.

“Actually, they are still flying around,but I won’t let them get to you, don’t worry. No one’s taking you away from me,not even these evil bees.”

She groaned, but her hold on me was morerelaxed. “Don’t make fun of me. I’ve never been stung by a bee, so if theysting me, I might die within minutes.”

This time I couldn’t hold it back; Ilaughed, tightening my hold on her waist so I wouldn’t drop her. Feeling eyeson us, I glanced behind me and saw a few people taping the whole spectacle withtheir phones.

Great. Moremedia coverage was exactly what we needed.

“I’m probably allergic. That must be whythey are waiting to get to me. Are they gone? If not, wave your hands so theywon’t get close to us.” Olive was oblivious to what was happening around us soI quickened my pace, knowing she wouldn’t want to be filmed while wrappedaround me. Also, even if it made me a bastard, I liked her wrapped around me.If they filmed it, photographed it…so what? She was my wife after all.

“I’m pretty sure if I wave my hands aroundthat’ll only piss them off more, and then they’ll steal you away from me.”

Lightly, she hit my shoulder and muttered,“I said don’t make fun of me. I’m dead serious.”