Page 12 of To Love Jason Thorn

Chapter Five


Eight years later…

Pushing the private back door of the nightclubopen with my shoulder, I dragged the giggling mess out with me. Since she wasbusy pawing at me with those claw-like fingers, she tripped over her own feet,righting herself at the last moment, her giggling getting even louder. Grippingher waist to make sure she didn’t face plant in those spiky-heeled shoes, Ichecked the alley to make sure we were alone. As soon as the door closed and theheavy bass of the music drifted away to a buzz, I took Jenna’s hand off my dickand slammed her back against the concrete wall, eating up her moan in a hungrykiss.

Wait, is her name Gemma?

“Take me home, Jason,” she said, her wordsslightly slurring. She wasn’t drunk—if she were, I wouldn’t do this with her—butfor some reason she chose to act like she was. I didn’t care for her games. “Takeme home and I’ll show you a few new tricks.”

More giggling.

Jamie maybe?


“This is better, babe. Don’t you feel thethrill?” I asked in a low voice as my lips ghosted over her skin against herthroat. “Anyone can walk out on us. Doesn’t that excite you?”

What the hell is her name again? She hadn’t had a big role in the movie, but we’d shared the sameset for about a month. She twirled and skipped around me whenever she found mealone in a corner, watching the crew work. She whispered dirty, dirty things inmy ear—at least dirty for a girl her age—when no one was around. At last, aftercountless ‘fuck me eyes’ had been thrown my way at the wrap party that night, littlebrunette beauty Jessie (???) was about to get the fuck of her lifeagainst a concrete wall in the back alley of a club. Looking at her flushedskin and already dazed eyes, I could see that it wasn’t bothering her in theslightest that she was about to get fucked like a cheap hooker, out in the open.

That was all she would be for me, and most likelyfor the others that would come after me—producers, agents, etc.

“Aww, you can’t wait to slide your dick intomy pussy, can you? I can’t wait either. I knew you were crazy about me Jason,”she whispered into my ear right before she licked it, trying to kill my earwith the stabbing motions of her tongue.


I pushed her face away.

Her high-pitched voice buzzed around in myhead, making me too aware of the alcohol I had consumed.

Ignoring her words, I lifted Jenna’s skintightsilver dress up and over her hips, making sure to caress her toned thighs asshe moaned against my neck, her heart racing.

She kept mumbling in between sloppy kisses,but I tuned her out and let myself get lost in her body.

At that point, I wasn’t feeling much, justsome sort of house music pounding in my head making it too hard to thinkclearly. My dick was definitely feeling something as it strained against myjeans, dying to get into her tight pussy.

“You knew you were gonna get fuckedtonight, didn’t you…babe?”

Damn it! Istill couldn’t remember her name.

“Yes. Yes. I knew you couldn’t stay away.” Shegasped as my fingers found their way to her…butterfly? What the hell? NormallyI wouldn’t care, but, well, sue me, I was a curious bastard.

I took a step back from her octopus armsand looked down to find a sparkling butterfly holding two flimsy straps aroundit wings. Her pussy was open for all to see in her crotchless panties—if youcould even call them panties, that is.

“Huh,” I muttered. “I guess that makes myjob easier.”

My dick was still roaring to get intoaction so I shrugged her hands off my shoulders and took out a condom from myback pocket, pulling it on pretty quickly considering my buzzed state.

Lifting her thigh as high as it would wraparound me, I entered her in a quick deep thrust as she gasped in delight.

“Jesus, you filled me,” she said insurprise.

“You like that, babe? Is that what you’vebeen after for so long? Getting filled up properly?” Another thrust and hereyes fluttered close.

“Yeah, it’s better than what I’ve heard.”Her voice was all dreamy, which made me hesitant to keep fucking her. I didn’tdo dreamy. A one-time quick fuck that would get us both off was more my kinda thing.Dreamy led to complicated stuff, and even though I liked to believe that as anactor I could sell a good dream, or hell, even be a good dream, I wasn’tfucked up enough to think that I would find my own happy ending with my careerchoice. Not everyone would tolerate the lifestyle I led.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved my job. It wasthe only thing that made any sort of sense in my life. However, everythingelse? The constant isolation forced on you, the paparazzi hounding you,everyone dissecting your every little move… After a while it felt like there wasa noose around your throat that was being tightened by everyone in your life.