Get it together, man.
“This is the lounge area,” I explained,standing next to the white leather sectional. I took a few steps forward,shuffling her with me. “Through here, there is the makeup station/office areaand a small kitchenette, as you can see.” I took a small step forward and letmy hips rest against her so she could feel how much I was affected by ourcloseness. I heard her quick intake of breath when my erection nestled againsther fucking fantastic ass.
Better speed this up.
“Through the other door, there is abathroom and wardrobe area. Upstairs there is a screening room.” Done with thetour, I turned her in my arms, pushed a button on the wall to close the doorthat separated the lounge area from the office space, and backed her up againstit.
By then, I was more than ready to have heragain.
Touching my lips to hers, I waited to seewhat she would do. She kissed me back, but it was softer than what I wanted.Not wanting to scare her away on day one, I kept it soft, but still let mytongue out to play with hers. By the time we were done, she was breathless andI could see red flames in her green eyes.
My voice was huskier than I expected when Ispoke. “Are you okay with everything that’s been happening?”
Seeing her red, swollen lips did somethingto me, so I reached up and traced her soft lips with my thumb.
She avoided looking at me but nodded herhead. I leaned in closer and whispered into her hair. “Can you look at me,baby?”
Then she did, and fuck me, but she wasbeautiful. I went for her lips again, and this time she was just as eager as Iwas.
Her hand timidly reached under my shirt andshe rested it against my stomach. Involuntarily, I thrust my hips into hers.Before I could lift her up and take her to the couch, someone started poundingon the door.
“Jason, Tanner needs to talk to you aboutsome changes he wants to make in the first scene.”
“I’ll be right there!” I yelled.
I rested my forehead against Olive’s andsighed. Focusing on her parted lips, I discreetly rearranged myself. “I don’t thinkI can make it more than a few hours without having you again,” I whispered overmy frantic heartbeat.
What was happening to me?
“Go,” she said, taking her hand away frommy skin and placing it on my chest, over my shirt. “I’ll snoop around in yourtrailer some more. Your tour was pretty lame.”
“All you need to focus on is me, woman.”
She laughed and halfheartedly pushed at mychest. “Go. Will you come back and take me to watch the first scene?”
Reluctantly, I let her go and rubbed myface. “Let me check the call sheet.”
She came to the table with me and looked atthe paper over my arm. “Oh, the first scene is the same one you read at theaudition. I thought it would be the first time they saw each other on the emptystreet.”
“Movies are almost never shot in sequence.Since I’m in LA and don’t have any other shoots, they don’t have to schedulethe scenes around me, but I think Lindsay has another commitment and she’llhave to be away from the set on certain days. They’ll want to take care of thescenes we have together first.”
“Ok,” she said, her eyes still taking inthe call sheet. I smiled and handed it to her.
“Do you want to keep it, maybe?”
“Yes!” She ripped it out of my hands andturned her back to me.
I laughed and pulled away her hair so Icould brush a small kiss on her neck. “I’ll be back to get you for the firstscene, sweetheart. Be good.”
Why couldn’t I keep my hands and lips awayfrom her?
Twenty minutes later, I headed back to thetrailer and collected Olive so the PA could drive us to the location.
Leaving Olive to sit on my chair behind thecameras, I took my place in front of them. Half an hour later, Lindsay was inplace and we were ready to start.
Before the director could call out action,I glanced back at the spot where I had left Olive, but I could barely makeout her face with all the lights that were directed at us. Closing my eyes, Irelaxed my body and thought about Isaac. Hearing Olive’s voice in my mind, Itook in every detail she’d given me about him. She had sounded like she wasactually in love with him, but I understood that kind of commitment all toowell. She wouldn’t be a good writer if she couldn’t fall for her characters,the good and the bad.
I relaxed my shoulders and let out a deepbreath. When I opened my eyes and looked at Evie, I was Isaac, the Isaac Olivehad given her heart to.