“There you are,” I said when I reachedtheir side. Hooking my arm around Olive’s waist, I leaned down and took a biteof the strawberry in her hand. Then I lowered my head and captured her mouth ina quick kiss.
When it was over, her eyes were half-closedand glazed; maybe it hadn’t been such a quick kiss after all. Licking her lips,she murmured, “Strawberry. Yummm.”
I laughed and said hi to the electricians,who were getting coffee from the other end of the set up.
Keeping Olive close to my side, I facedAlvin. “Didn’t you guys make it to the trailer yet? I looked there first.”
“Olive wanted to see the set first.”
Olive scrunched her nose and gave Alvin anapologetic look. “Yeah, sorry about that. It’s hard to explain how it makes youfeel when you see something in real life that was created in your mind.” Sheturned those green eyes at me. “You should’ve seen Alvin’s face when I tearedup. Even the bed covers on Evie’s bed have the same feather pattern I wrote inthe book, Jason. That’s the bed where they shared their first kiss.”
I smiled down at her. “The author approves,then? Does she approve the leading actor, too?”
She nodded enthusiastically. “I definitelyapprove the leading actor. I approve him the most.”
“I wanted to show you around myself, butI’ll settle with showing you my trailer. Since you brought your laptop withyou, I’m assuming you’ll want to write?”
“Yes, I figured I’d find a quiet corner. Ididn’t want to be in your way the entire day.”
“You wouldn’t be, sweetheart. I spend mostof my time in the trailer in between takes, and I enjoy watching you write.” Igathered her hair and dropped it back over her shoulder. “You want to go see itnow?”
I tried not to look too eager, but I wasdying to get her alone for a few minutes. That kiss hadn’t been enough to quenchmy thirst for her, and it had been a few hours too many since the last time I’dhad her naked and writhing in my arms.
“Boss,” Alvin interrupted before Olivecould give her answer. “As much as I love to spend time with your lovely wife,I’m afraid I need to leave so I can take care of the house while you’re notactually in it. Is there anything else you need from me here?”
“Right. Did they assign a productionassistant already?”
“Yes, I talked to him. He should’ve alreadydropped the call sheet in your trailer. Anything else you need, you let meknow.”
“I’ll be okay. We’ll talk later. Right now,I’ll go spend some more time with my lovely wife.”
Alvin left and I walked through the studiolot with Olive toward where most of the trailers were kept.
“You’re kidding, right?” she asked once wewere standing in front of the two-story monster.
“Why would I kid?”
“This is gigantic, Jason.”
“It’s not mine, actually. I don’t care thatmuch about having a big one. The production company offered for me to use thisone during filming, and since I knew you would be coming with me, I thoughtyou’d enjoy having a bigger space to yourself. Come on, I’ll show you inside.You’ll be more than comfortable enough to work in here.”
Resting my hand on her back, I urged her tomove forward.
“So you’re saying I can come to the setwith you and work in your trailer? Whenever I want?”
I met her gaze. “I assumed you’d want tocome with me, little one. If not to write, then maybe to watch the shooting.”
She averted her gaze, but not before I sawher brilliant smile. Walking ahead of her, I ripped off the call sheet theproduction assistant had secured on the door and unlocked the trailer.
“They don’t go in?”
“Not when I’m not in here. You saw whathappened in London. Even though this place is pretty well guarded, I wouldn’ttrust anyone in here.” I held out my hand for her to take. “You should keep itlocked when you are alone in here, too.”
Holding on to my hand, she took the narrowsteps up and entered the trailer.
“Holy crap, Jason. I’m in love with yourhome, but this…this is pretty close to love too.”
Wanting to feel her body close to mine, Iwrapped my arms around her abdomen and rested my head on top of hers. When sheplaced her hands over mine, I was grinning like a kid.