Page 117 of To Love Jason Thorn

“All you have to do is ask, sweetheart.I’ll give you everything you need.”

My body surged into hers and I looked downto watch my thick cock disappear into her sweet heat. I catalogued every curveand dip of her body. She was so damn tight and already breathless, her cleverhands touching every inch of my body she could reach.

When I realized my control was shot tohell, I got off of her to stand on my knees.

“Hold on to the headboard, baby.”

When she reached up and curled her fingers onthe headboard, I hooked my arms under her knees and put her legs over my openthighs, making sure to hold her legs open for me.

Wiping off the sweat on my forehead, Igrabbed her hips and slowly fed my dick to her pussy, reveling in her loudswearing and moans.

“Oh, god,” she mumbled when I was all in.

“Fuck, yes,” I said in reply.

Then my fingers dug harder into her fleshand I fucked her like I hadn’t fucked her the night before. While the nightbefore had been amazing, it had been more than just sex. This…this was purepleasure. It was hard, deep, and definitely out of control.

I loved it.

She loved it.

Every time I surged into her body, Ibottomed out. I was drinking in her sharp cries and gasping breaths. When herhead hit the headboard from the force I was pounding into her, I tried to slowmy pace down but it was too late, for both of us.

“Fuck, Jason…shit, fuck… Yes, yes, please…”

Her eyes rolled back into her head and herbody froze under my hands. Her release coated me in a rush and I groaned louderthan her cries.

She took a gasping breath.

Then another.

As I kept pounding into her, she slowlycame down from her orgasm, her legs relaxed, and she opened her eyes. It wasenough to ignite something inside of me, so I let it all go and joined her inoblivion.

I was trying to catch my breath and slowlykeep thrusting into her when she splayed her fingers over my contracting abs, lookingat me as if she was ready to lick me up and eat me. Out of my mind with needfor her, I dropped to my elbows, held her head in between my hands, and gaveher the rawest and most passionate kiss I’d ever shared with anyone.

When we were half-dead, I dropped a kiss onher nose and tried to ignore my throbbing cock. I was ready to go all overagain.

“We need to repeat this a few times a day.You okay with that, sweetheart?”

As an answer she kissed me and in themiddle of our kiss gave me a lazy smile.

“Also, when my brain is functioning, remindme to ask how you managed to roll a condom on me without waking me up. Or maybewe can talk about not using them at all if you’re ready for that.”

“I vote on not using them at all,” shemurmured in a soft voice.

I smiled. “Good. We’ll handle it as soon aspossible.”

It was by far the best morning I’d ever hadin my entire life.


When we got to the set, everything wasready for the first day of the filming. Olive was beside herself, her beautifuleyes taking in everything with a contagious smile on her face. Before I had to goin for makeup and hair, I introduced her to the director Tanner Pace and a tonof others. When I had to leave her with Alvin to go and run lines with LindsayDunlop, I felt a small ache in my heart. I wanted to keep her by my side at alltimes, have her hand in mine, lips on mine, permanently.

However, I couldn’t do that.

After an hour of rehearsal with Lindsay, Ichecked the trailer but couldn’t find any trace of Olive or Alvin in there.Walking around the lot, I found them both munching on fruit and candies, nextto the craft service area.

“Jason!” Olive exclaimed when she saw meheading their way. Her smile hadn’t diminished a bit, and her excitement wasjust as contagious as her smile.