Page 115 of To Love Jason Thorn

Before I could think of something to say,he was back by my side, gathering me up in his arms and settling us under thecovers. It didn’t escape my notice that he had put on a pair of briefs before gettinginto bed.

I lay still, not even moving an inch.

He was silent, but his hands were slidingup and down my arm. What did that mean?

It felt good to be in his arms again. Yeah,I was naked and he was not, but it was still good. He hadn’t left me alone hisroom. It was something.

I should’ve opened my damn mouth and said,what now? Or anything really. But I didn’t. Neither did Jason.

I had questions, but I feared his answers.

But why didn’t he say something?

Not too long after he got in bed with me,his arm stilled over my waist and he fell asleep.

Jason and Olive captured on video while engaging in a passionatekiss!

Oh, boy! Ladies, did any of you not take a coldshower after watching the video of Jason Thorn kissing Olive Taylor on thestage? We don’t know about you, but we sure did. Several of them.

As if that’s not enough, we are hearing rumorsfrom a source close to the couple that they quietly got married in Jason’s BelAir home and are trying to keep it on the down low so they can ease Olive’sfamily into the unexpected marriage. Our source reveals that Jason was tooanxious to have an extended engagement and instead decided to surprise Olivewith a stress-free wedding. Everyone believes they are truly smitten with eachother.

While a lot of Jason Thorn fans are shocked andnot sure what to make of the rumors, Olive’s own fans seemed to support thisunion wholeheartedly. After watching that kiss, we don’t think the rumors arefalse at this point.

And can we talk more about the video, please? Oh,what we wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall in Jason Thorn’s home to watchwhat happened when they were alone… After a kiss like that, not only did Jasonshow everyone what a passionate kiss is supposed to look like, he also showedthat Olive Taylor is quite possibly the luckiest girl in the world. As if wedidn’t know that already…

As they left the bar where the cast and crew werehaving a party before the filming for Soul Ache started the next day, Jasonalmost got into a fight with a photographer because they got a little too closeto his sweetheart. Who knew he would be a jealous hubby after all hisdiscretions?

For nearly the past two years, Jason Thorn hasbeen known for his sexual appetite. Do you think Olive Taylor—or should we sayOlive Thorn—will be his only focus, or will the star have more distractionsevery now and then?

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I woke up feeling like my blood was hummingin my veins. My hands met soft flesh and I groaned. I was burning from the insideout. My hips flexed and I heard a small moan.

Smiling, I let my hands wander up a pair ofthighs.

“Mmmm, what are you doing, little one?” Imurmured and squeezed Olive’s hips, successfully stopping her upward movement whilemy dick was snuggly resting inside her.

Feeling her weight on my chest, I opened myeyes and looked into her sparkling green ones. Hesitantly, she pressed her lipsover mine and lifted her head to stare down at me again. Freeing my right hand,I gathered her hair in my fist, held it away from her face, and pulled her backdown. When she parted her lips for me, I kissed her the way she was alwayssupposed to be kissed, the way she deserved to be kissed. She moaned and openedher mouth wider, turning the kiss into liquid lust.

She was welcome to do so.

Hell, she was welcome to wake me up everymorning by climbing onto my dick for a ride.

I nipped her lips and she stopped, herbreathing ragged, her hips restless.

Holding on to the back of her waist, Iflipped us over and had her under me in a second without breaking ourconnection.

“You should’ve woken me up if you neededmore, baby,” I whispered as I thrust into her. She hid her face in my neck asshe let out a long, sexy moan.

Her legs were hugging my hips, but with mysecond thrust she let them fall open and lifted her hips in sync with myleisurely thrusts.

“I just…”

She bit her bottom lip, her eyebrowsdrawing together.

“You just, what, sweetheart?”