Page 113 of To Love Jason Thorn

Holy crap!

The moment my fingers left him, Jasonpushed his hips forward and the head of his cock pushed at my opening. I gaspedwith equal amounts of pleasure and pain.

From somewhere in the house, Jason’s phonestarted ringing.

“Don’t think about it,” he murmured andpushed in a little bit deeper.

I didn’t think about it. I arched my neckand moaned quite loudly.

“More?” he asked in between my heavybreathing.

“Yess,” I moaned as he kept pushing inwithout waiting for my answer. Then he was retreating and easing back in again.

My body getting used to him, I tried tohold his stare to let him see how good it felt to have him go deep in my body.

When the head of his cock hit that magicalspot, my eyes fluttered closed and he stopped moving. No retreating. No pushingback in.

I was completely full, in every way thatcounted. It felt like my whole body was trembling under him. He dropped to hisknees but kept his body over mine. I sensed his fingers pushing my hair awayfrom my face and then his lips were against my temple, leaving a tender kiss. Iopened my eyes and gazed into his.

“Olive,” he whispered.

One word.

How could he affect me like he did? How couldone word out of his mouth touch my heart like that?

“In all the ways that matter, I’m yourfirst, Olive. Do you understand?”

He didn’t have any idea how right he was.In all the ways that mattered, he was my first, and after this whole dealended, he would probably be my last. No one…nothing would ever make me feellike he was making me feel right then.

I nodded.

His eyes open, he touched his lips to mine.Gently, softly. I closed my eyes to hide my feelings and kissed him back. Hepulled his hips back and pushed in deep. Hard.

“You’re perfect sweetheart. You’re perfectand now you are all mine.”

My brows snapped together and I gasped intohis mouth. He didn’t break the kiss.

Another deep thrust rocked my body forwardand he ate up my moan.

“Jason,” I groaned when he gave me enoughspace to breathe.

“Is it just as good for you?” he asked.There was something hidden in his voice, something that told me he wassurprised.

I gave him a lazy grin.

He smiled back. “Look at you taking me allin,” he said softly. “Good girl.”

Another deep thrust and my breath hitched.

“You’re so fucking deep,” I gasped.

“You like it, sweetheart? You like itdeep?” Knowing what he was doing, he hit that spot and I whimpered. “Sweetheart,”he muttered, getting my attention. “Talk to me.”

“It fee-els soo go-od,” I whimpered. To myhorror, I felt a tear slide down from my eye and into my hair.

Jason cupped my face and wiped the comingtears with his thumbs.

“Easy, baby.”