Page 108 of To Love Jason Thorn

I shielded my face with my hand as theystarted to light up their flashes to get a glimpse into the car. I had no ideaif they could see through the black windows or not, but in any case I wasn’t inthe mood to force a smile.

Jason managed to get us in without anyproblems.

“Either there is something new going onthat we don’t know about, or they know we’re married,” Jason said as he drovethe car up the driveway.

Soundlessly, I nodded in agreement.

After the short ride up, when we weresafely tucked away from unwanted eyes, I jumped out as soon as the car wasparked.

Jason had given me my own key to the house,but I still waited for him to let us in. No matter what he said, this littlepalace was his, not mine. I was more like a glorified roommate than a wife.

When Jason came up next to me, I avoidedeye contact and waited for him to unlock the door.

Truth be told, I had planned to run to myroom and hide there for a few months, but as soon as we walked in and Jasonclosed the door behind us, he grabbed my hand and pinned me to the wall.

My breath came out in a whoosh as my backhit the wall, hard.

“Jason,” I gasped, shocked.

He captured my face in his hands and myheart skyrocketed when I saw the look on his face.

“Do it again,” he growled.

My eyes on his, my breathing hard, I quietlyasked, “Do what, Jason?”

“Kiss me like that. Again.” It almostsounded like a threat.

I swallowed and looked down at his lips.“That wasn’t me,” I whispered, my voice barely functioning. “You kissed me.”I fisted my hands and pressed them against the wall. My body was shaking with yearsof want and need for him.

God, I’d wanted this boy to look at me likehe was looking at me at that moment ever since I’d learned about how a boyshould kiss a girl. He was my perfect guy.

“Oh, no, sweetheart,” he said as he ran hisnose against my neck, breathing me in. He was breathing me in!“That was all you.”

His lips ghosted over mine and I took aquick, sharp breath. When he backed off an inch or two, taking his warmth away,I found myself going after him like a puppet being played.

He tilted his head. “Kiss me, Olive,” herepeated again, his eyes locked on mine.

Starved for him, I launched myself into hisarms. My arms went around his neck and I roughly pulled him down to my lips.That was all the invitation he needed. He pushed me back against the wall andlet me take what I wanted.

When I tilted my head to deepen the kissand tasted his tongue on mine, he groaned. Bending down, his hand reached undermy skirt for the curve of my ass and he hoisted me up against the wall.

I squealed into his mouth, but he didn’tbreak our kiss. That was the point where he took over and gave me something I’dnever had with any other guy.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and heldon tighter, threading my fingers into his hair and pulling on them slightly.

He groaned, a sound that was so rough anddelicious that it vibrated through me and caused even more heat to pool betweenmy legs, an area that was now in close contact with his jean-clad cock. Itightened my legs around him, dying to get a little more friction against hishardness. As if he knew what I needed, his hands tightened on my ass and hethrust his hips right where I needed him. Pronto!

He broke our kiss and I took a big gulp ofair as he grazed my jawline with his teeth and then moved down over my throat.His breathing was just as erratic as mine was. When he gave me another thrust,hitting the—perfect—spot, I gasped and threw my head back, hitting the wallwith a thud that probably caused me to lose more than a few brain cells.

Being kissed by him was worth every one.

Then his lips were on mine and suddenly wewere moving. I held his face in my hands and took as much as I could from hislips. I didn’t even care where he was taking me as long as he kept kissing melike that.

When my ass hit something solid, I openedmy eyes and looked around while Jason’s hands were working to get off mypanties under my skirt. We were in the kitchen area and I was sitting on thekitchen island.


I was about to score big time!