Page 104 of To Love Jason Thorn

Slowly he lowered his head again andcaptured my bottom lip between his lips. Then I felt his tongue gently lickingthat said bottom lip.

Please, insert another one of those ‘Mybody is ready gifs’. Holy moly!

“Place your hands on his chest,” whisperedAmelie next to us.

Holy shit!Where had she come from? Had she heard us?

I didn’t even care, just did as I was told.I slid my hands down from his neck, making sure that my fingertips grazed hisskin beneath his collar and stopped when I felt his erratic heartbeats.

I heard a few more clicks.

“That was amazing guys. Wardrobe change,”Amelie announced beside us, breaking our connection. I was still in his arms,he still hadn’t let me go, but he eased himself off of me. I swallowed andJason’s eyes slowly cooled down.

Damn, but he was a good actor.

The same girl came and swept me away for a wardrobechange, which was probably for the best.

The rest of the photo shoot was tamer, andinstead of going at it on our own, both Jason and I followed Amelie’sinstructions. It felt safer to do so. I got a forehead kiss, and another one onmy cheek.

When we sat down for the interview and toldthem that we were actually married, the looks on their faces were priceless.

Chapter Twenty-Five


We had a quick dinner where Lucy and Olivemanaged to make me laugh multiple times with their stories before we headed tothe bar where the cast and crew were meeting up. More than a party, it was away to reconnect with each other and get to know the new people before filming ateup all our time. If Olive was sad that Charlotte couldn’t make it, she didn’tshow it, but I could see that something about her friend’s absence in her lifewas troubling her. I didn’t ask questions.

While Lucy had preferred jeans and somenumber with a lot of cleavage, Olive was wearing a sparkly, metallic gray skirtwith a casual white shirt. Her hair was still damp from the shower she had takenafter the shoot and she barely had any makeup on, and she looked perfect in myeyes.

Still reeling from our photo shoot, I washaving trouble looking away from her. Every little detail seemed to mattersomehow. The way her cheeks were flushed from laughing so much, the way I caughther looking at me under her lashes, the way her eyes sparkled whenever Ireached out to hold her hand. It was becoming impossible to not notice everylittle thing about her.

Impossible to not like everything I wasseeing.

I had been forcing myself to sleep in myown room ever since she had cried in my arms before coming on my fingers thatnight, but my patience was starting to wear thin.

I was seconds away from prying her legsopen and taking her for myself. Every innocent look, every innocent touch,every secret smile…everything just pushed us closer to our inevitable.

Chugging down my second beer of the night,I kept track of Olive and Lucy from the corner of my eye. I wanted to give heralone time with her friend because even I could see how much they were missingeach other. They hadn’t stop talking ever since Lucy had stepped foot in thecar. I hadn’t meant for my schedule to keep her away from her friends, but inmy line of work, you got used to not having your freedom.

They were doing tequila shots and chasingthem with beers. She didn’t look like she was drunk, and she certainly wasn’tacting like it, but I couldn’t be sure. If they had another round of shots, Iwas going to interfere. As much as I would have loved to deal with drunk Oliveagain, I wanted her to be stone cold sober when we got back home.

An hour into the party, a few of the crewmembers had decided to set up the karaoke machine and proceeded to sing theirhearts out, becoming the night’s de facto entertainment. Every now and then,they were hopping back onto the stage to torture everyone’s ears. Other thanthem, no one else had picked up the mic, which was a blessing if you asked me.

I was sitting at the bar with the assistantdirector, Tyler Cameron, a guy I had worked with before and respected, when I firstheard Olive’s voice through the speakers.

“Hello everyone, I’m Olive.” She coughedand tapped the mic with her finger.

Someone let out a loud whistle.

“I believe that’s your wife, Jason,” Tylersaid, looking over his shoulder. He was the first guy at the party that I’dtold that we were married. Tyler wasn’t a guy who would repeat it to anyoneelse, especially after I’d asked him not to.

Wife. Yes. Right. I was married.

I turned in my seat to face the stage.“That she is,” I said, my eyes taking in the curves of her body. Leaning back,I rested my elbow on the bar and took a gulp of my beer.

There was a smile in her voice when shesaid, “I just lost a bet to my friend Lucy there.” She pointed to a beamingLucy and got a whistle from her. “So as the loser, I’m supposed to make yourears hurt for a little while. I hope you can bear with me. It’s a slow one, soyou should be okay.”

“Is her voice any good? I don’t think I canhandle any more screeching for the night,” Tyler said as he gave his full attentionto Olive.