I closed my eyes and sucked in a breath. Icould do this. I could just let myself enjoy his closeness without messing thiswhole thing up.
I wanted to play, too.
Not even hearing what Amelie was saying, Islowly slid my hand up from his chest and ghosted my fingers over his darkstubble, right where his dimple was hiding. His eyes darkened, and I was pulledeven more firmly against his chest.
Whoa! Mynipples liked that very much.
To his questioning look, I said, “I want toplay, too.”
I rose on my tiptoes and stopped when I wasa breath away from Jason’s lips. “Do I look like I’m in love with you?” I askedquietly, my eyes firmly focused on his parted lips.
Take it. Mylips are right there. Kiss me. Just once.
He didn’t.
Keeping his heated gaze on mine, he kissedthe corner of my lips. “We look like we’re crazy for each other,” he whispered,his hand tightening at my back. His head tilted forward and his lips ghosted onmy throat. “We look like we can’t bear to take our hands off of each other.”
With a quick maneuver, he turned me againstthe wall and rested his forehead against mine. I hissed and bit my lip when thecold concrete met my bare skin. Arching my back, I rounded my arms around hisneck and made sure to push my breasts against his chest.
Amelie was to our right, making sure tocapture every intimate moment.
What did she see through the lens?Could she see that we were only playing?
His hand curled around my waist and he gaveme a smirk right before he pulled my lower half against his own. Now, it wasonly my head pressed against the wall.
When I felt his…hard on…cock…penis…danglybits (as Lucy would say)…I groaned and closed my eyes.
So he wasn’t exactly oblivious to me. Thatcould count as a good start, right? I could work with that.
“We look like we are about to fuck eachother,” he whispered into my ear.
My eyes closed on their own and I kissedhis cheek, right where his dimple was; I knew I could find it even when my eyeswere closed. “You’re fucking me right now, Jason.”
Because he was. He might as well have pulledmy dress up and entered me right there, right in front of everybody. My bodywas sure as hell ready to take him.
He nipped my chin with his teeth—not toosoft, not too hard—and I sucked in a breath. He drew his head back and orderedme to open my eyes in a husky voice. I did as I was told.
Because I was a good girl like that.
What I saw in his eyes… Everything aroundus melted away. All the lights, Amelie, Alvin, every single person in thebuilding melted away and it was just us. It was just my Jason and me.Not the movie star, not Jason Thorn whom every woman was salivating for. Rightat that moment, he was just mine.
My dreamboy.
My childhoodcrush.
My firstlove.
My onlylove.
And now my pretend husband.
An eternity passed.
I bit my bottom lip.
His eyes flared. “Is it that good, Olive?”His eyes held me captive just as much as his body did.
“The best,” I whispered achingly.