Page 102 of To Love Jason Thorn

“Okay. I want you guys in front of thiswall,” Amelie said, placing us in front of the concrete wall.

More blinding lights, great.

Taking our place, I looked at Amelie formore instructions, but what did she do? She lifted her camera and startedtaking pictures. Baffled, I looked up at Jason and he smiled at me.

“What am I supposed to do?” I hissed atJason. I tried to force my lips into a smile as I looked at the camera, but Icould only guess how awful it looked.

Then Jason’s lips were at my ear and hewhispered, “You’re supposed to love me, my beautiful wife.”


My mouth dropped open, but Jason’sexpression didn’t even waver. His eyes on me, he leaned against the concretewall and pulled me flush against his chest, my front to his front. Now everyonehad a clear look at my barely covered ass and naked back, but at Jason’s wordsI’d already forgotten all about that.

“What?” I whispered, keeping my eyes on hisface.

“Perfect,” the photographer announced fromsomewhere behind me. “I want to capture your natural chemistry. Please, Olive,try to relax a bit more and forget about us.”

Be quiet lady.

Jason buried his face in my neck and spokesoftly—only for my ears. “They have no idea that we’re married, but they knowwe’re engaged.” He lifted his face from my neck and looked into my eyes. “Youshould look at me like you love me, Olive, the way I’m looking at you.”

Say what?

Had he lost his mind in the small amount oftime it had taken him to get dressed in a white shirt and black slacks?

He lifted his eyes from mine and lookedover my head. “Amelie, is it okay if you give us a few seconds?”

The clicking stopped.

Jason kissed my nose. “You’ll have to be alittle more convincing if we want them to think we are in love. I’ll haveto…touch you.”

“Touch me?” I squeaked.

His eyes dropped to my lips and he nodded.“And you’ll have to touch me like you actually like me.” Reaching down, he tookmy hand and put it on his chest.

“Of course. You’re right,” I said, barelyrecognizing my own voice.

“It’ll be over soon. You won’t suffer fortoo long, don’t worry.”

“Sure. No suffering. Over soon. Got it.”

“You ready?”

I relaxed my shoulders and nodded. Act andlook like I loved him? Child’s play.

When he gave the okay, the shoot started upagain.

Jason straightened from the wall and tookme with him. His hand still on my back, he kept me close to his body, mybreasts properly squished between us.

“Olive, can you look at the camera whileJason is focusing on you?”

I took my eyes off Jason and looked at thedamn camera.

“Great. Now place your hands on his chestand slightly lean into him.”

I was already plastered to the guy, how wasI supposed to lean into him?

I chanced a glance at Jason and my heartstuttered. Was this how he would look at me if he was in love? His eyes heated,his lips slightly parted, his breathing uneven.