I was about to disregard her wishes when Mia appeared, harried and scowling at me. “Why are you bothering my cousin? Do we need to call security?”

I almost smiled. While it would be a nuisance, Ivy would have me released in minutes. “I just overheard her speaking to her mother and wondered if I could help.”

“Unless you have an extra car handy, we don’t need your help,” Mia barked before facing Sabrina. “Bad news. There is literally no car available to rent.”

“Are you serious? How can that be?” Sabrina wondered.

Mia shrugged. “It’s weird. One agent said they suddenly had a slew of unexpected bookings this morning.”

Sabrina grabbed her phone and looked at the time. “Even if one of our daddies left now, we wouldn’t arrive in time for the shower, and I promised Mama we wouldn’t take an Uber. Are there any off-site car rental places?”

“I had them check those too.” Mia grimaced. “Nothing.”

“I have a solution, ladies. I could drive you. We are going to the same destination, after all.”

“Absolutely not.” Sabrina grabbed Mia’s hand. “Come on. We’ll figure something out. Without him,” she emphasized.

Mia bit her lip. “Sabrina, unless you want to risk the wrath of our mamas, maybe we should, uh ...”

“No. Nope. Just no.” Sabrina shook her gorgeous head.

I had to admit, seeing her flustered was enjoyable. I’d only ever known her to be calm and collected. Not to say she was boring—she was anything but that. In fact, she fascinated me. She had this way of making ordinary things, like food preparation, fun and sexy. Or even strolls through the gardens of Bordeaux. I loved watching her stop and literally smell the roses, then gush about how intoxicating the scent was. Little did she know how much I loved breathing in the lingering scent left in her hair.

“The offer still stands. I’d even be happy to let one of you drive if it would make you feel more comfortable.”

Mia pressed her lips together, definitely considering it. She eyed me, wondering what my game was. Unfortunately, this was anything but a game. They had no idea what could possibly go down. For that reason alone, I wasn’t letting Sabrina out of my sight. I didn’t care how much she hated me. As long as she was safe, that’s all that mattered.

Mia pulled Sabrina off to the side, but still close enough so I could hear.

“Sabrina, I know it’s the last thing you want to do, but just think of it this way: it’s four hours of your life, and as soon as we get there, we’ll sic Nana on him.”

Sabrina giggled her melodious laugh. I missed that sound. I also remembered how much she loved her Nana Rose, who was reportedly cantankerous.

Sabrina gave me a sideways glance, thinking it over. After several moments, she conceded. “Fine,” she breathed out.

I let out a silent sigh of relief. I knew if our agency could find Izan, those more dangerous could as well. That said, I wasn’t letting Sabrina out of my sight. “My rental is waiting in the garage.” It wasn’t your normal rental car, although the untrained eye wouldn’t be able to detect its high-tech features, like tire spikes and smoke screen systems. The car also had one of the agency’s newest features—morphing exterior panels. Hopefully I wouldn’t have to employ any of them.

The women reluctantly followed me through the garage and past rows of newly washed rental cars, each pulling two suitcases behind her. I’d offer to help, but I knew that would be unwelcome, and I needed to remain as unencumbered as possible in case of an emergency.

When we reached the enhanced sleek black Audi SUV, I activated the key fob that had been given to me back at headquarters. The car came to life and the doors unlocked. I turned so I could offer to place their luggage in the back when Mia dropped her suitcases, marched right up to me, and unexpectedly kneed me in the groin. “By the way, I never properly introduced myself. I’m Mia and I’ll be driving.”

I bent over, groaning, trying to keep from letting out a long string of four-letter words.

“Mia,” Sabrina’s tone fluctuated between cheering her on and berating her.

“Now he knows who’s the boss,” Mia defended her actions before grabbing the key fob out of my hand.

I stood up straight, pressing my lips together, doing my best to remain calm. The woman had messed with sacred territory, and she deserved a verbal tirade. But I thought the better of it when I faced the two gorgeous women, who silently dared me to say anything.

I’d faced terrorists and the worst scum of the earth, but I was quickly realizing I might be standing in front of my biggest opponents yet.


I ROLLED DOWN THE BACK passenger seat window of Cash’s rental—the nicest rental ever—as soon as we turned down the road leading directly to the Belle Resort. I was home. No matter where I roamed, even beautiful Park City nestled in the majestic Wasatch mountain range, the grace and elegance of the Smoky Mountains surpassed it all. In my mind’s eye I pictured a much younger Mia and me running through the forest, playing hide and seek. As we got older, there were bonfires and dances by the lake, first kisses on canoes, and broken hearts that learned how to mend.

I breathed in the crisp fall air and took in the sugar maples, scarlet oaks, and sweet gums showing off their vibrant shades of red, yellow, and orange. The symphony of colors filled me with warmth despite having experienced the most uncomfortable day of my life. And not just because Mia could be considered an erratic driver.

Mia had whipped us through the windy, narrow roads of the Smokies like she was auditioning to be a Formula 1 driver. But her relentless line of questioning was unfortunately worse than her driving, making me feel even queasier than her sharp turns. She’d grilled Cash on everything from why he’d ghosted me to why a man of his age had never been married. He was supposedly forty, but again, everything he said was subject to scrutiny. Believe me, though: I planned on pulling up his resort reservation as soon as I had the opportunity to verify everything I could about him. Not that I should care, considering his previous treatment of me and his evasive answers. He only revealed to Mia that he’d never been married because of his demanding career and travel schedule—any questions regarding our relationship would be discussed privately with me.