I sat there, waiting for Simon to tell me I could take off the blindfold.

Simon and Jack moved around me, but I had no idea what they were doing. After a couple of minutes, Simon finally said, “You can remove the blindfold.”

With fervor, I tore it off to find that we were indeed at the coffeehouse where it all began, sitting at the same table by the window where I had first laid eyes on Simon. Where we had sat many times while I hoped he would see me as more. Now, looking into his beaming eyes, I saw all I had ever hoped for and more. I saw my future with him and Jack and, hopefully, a few more kiddos.

“Are you surprised?” Jack asked. He was sitting across from me, next to his dad.

“I’m very surprised.”

Simon gazed at me like he wasn’t sure what to say.

“Are you okay?”

“Better than okay. I just needed to see you here again. I wanted a do-over. I no longer want to be the Daft Prince.”

He was certainly Prince Charming in my eyes, which were welling with tears, thinking of how far we had come. How different I felt. I felt seen and so loved.

“Which is why I brought my wallet this time. So, order anything you want.”

I laughed.

“You have to look at the menu,” Jack said adamantly.

“Oh.” I hadn’t noticed it in front of me. I normally just looked at the menu above the counter, but this worked.

I picked up the small menu with the coffeehouse logo on the front—a steaming mug. I opened it and found it wasn’t a menu at all, but a card. The inside of it read: Today’s special is a lifetime of happiness, brought to you by Simon and Jack. Through blurry eyes, I set the menu down to find Simon holding up a blue Tiffany box.

“I love you most ardently, Jules. Marry me?”

“And be my mummy?” Jack added.

I could hardly speak. I was so overcome with happiness. “Yes,” I managed to breathe out. “Thousands and thousands of times, yes.”

I didn’t realize we had an audience, but several customers in the coffeehouse cheered. Jack the loudest of them all.

Simon opened the box to reveal a brilliant halo diamond ring with a pavé diamond band. It was gorgeous, and sparkly, and everything I’d ever imagined an engagement ring to be.

“It’s perfect.”

“Just like you.” Simon took my hand and placed the ring on my finger.

“So This Is Love” began to play, and not just in my head. It was coming over the surround sound in the coffeehouse.

I giggled, deliriously happy. “I love you, Simon Harrison.”

“We need a picture,” Jack shouted.

Caption: Unforgettable in every way.


SIMON STOOD AT JACK’S BEDROOM door, admiring his wife and son. Jack was snuggled up against Jules. They were both sleeping, the photo album lying off to the side. It was still Jack’s favorite bedtime story. They had added so many pictures to it the last year, they were going to have to start a new one soon.

What a year it had been. A Christmas wedding surrounded by family and friends. Jules’s father was strong enough to walk her down the aisle using a cane. It was the best day. Followed by a honeymoon in Belize, days and nights of making love to the most incredible woman in the world, and a happy Jack. He’d finally gotten the mummy he’d always wanted and needed. They’d even convinced the owner of the cottage to sell them the place. Now they were adding a new addition onto it so Jules had a secure place to work.

Simon crept into the dark room, lit only by Jack’s reading lamp. He knelt by the bed and kissed his wife’s cheek.

Jules’s gorgeous indigo eyes fluttered open. “Are you done working?” she whispered.