I took his little hand in mine, knowing someday he would realize I wasn’t really a princess. But I would always remember how he’d made me feel like one.

Simon continued with the story. “The princess didn’t only want to save the green lady—she wanted to help all the animals in the kingdom. Many times, she took the prince to the park so she could talk to the animals and see what they needed.”

I smiled at Simon’s imagination. No wonder Jack thought I was so magical.

“But one day ...” Simon’s tone turned more somber as he turned to the last picture I’d placed in the album. A picture of us where it all began—at the coffeehouse.

Oh, how I would love to tell that young woman everything would turn out okay. That she had every reason to smile at the man across from her.

“The Daft Prince made the daftest decision of his life. He forgot all the magical feelings he’d had when he spent time with the princess. And so, when she had to leave the land of New York, he never said goodbye.” Simon turned toward me, regret woven in his eyes. “He never thanked her for helping him and loving him better than anyone ever had.”

My eyes welled with tears.

“That was bad, Daddy,” Jack interjected.

“Yes, it was. But thankfully ...” Simon turned the page, and to my surprise, there I was playing with Jack in the water on Fairy Island, as I now thought of it. I didn’t know Simon had taken this picture of us. “Life gave the Daft Prince a second chance to remember the magic of the princess.” He turned the page again, and there I was, getting my face painted with Jack at the Strawberry Festival. “This time the prince could see what he should have long ago. He could see the princess had the most beautiful soul, inside and out.” He turned the page again, and it was a picture of the three of us out under the stars, roasting marshmallows. “The prince fell madly and deeply in love with her.”

This was by far my favorite story ever. Swept up in the emotion of it all, I leaned in and kissed Simon, pressing my lips as hard as I could against his, pouring all my love into it. “I love you,” I murmured against his lips.

“I love you, Jules,” he whispered.

“I love the princess too,” Jack said.

I took Jack’s perfect face in my hands. “I love you, Sir Jack.”

He giggled. “Is that the end of the story?”

Simon turned the page. He had written in large letters, To Be Continued.

I gazed at those profound words and the two men in my life, wanting to capture this moment forever. “We need to take a picture. I think the caption should read, ‘So This Is Love.’”


THE LAST COUPLE OF DAYS had been surreal, and walking into my condo with Simon and Jack only added to it. Our flight had gotten in late, so it was already dark. I flipped on the lights to illuminate the open space with vaulted ceilings and windows for days. I realized how cold and sterile it looked, with stark white walls and furniture that seemed like it belonged in an office and not someone’s living room. Even the tiled floor shone unnaturally bright, like no one lived here. Honestly, I hadn’t really lived here. I had just existed. I wasn’t that woman anymore, and suddenly this place no longer felt like me.

“Here it is,” I announced.

Jack stumbled in and went straight to my camel-colored leather couch that looked akin to the one at my dentist’s office. Poor guy was exhausted. It was past his bedtime, and I think all the excitement he’d been bursting with today, knowing tomorrow we were going to Disneyland for his birthday, had finally gotten to him. He curled up on the couch, still wearing his backpack.

Simon dropped our luggage, looked around the place, and whistled. “Wow. You really are a rock star.” He’d already mentioned the security here was almost as tight as Buckingham Palace. “Maybe that’s your secret job.”

I glanced over at the locked door near the master suite. That room held my secret. It was a secret I knew I needed to share with Simon. If we were going to live life together, he had to know all of me. We both deserved that.

“Why don’t we get Jack to bed. I have something I want to show you.”

Simon’s brows raised. “Really, darling?”

His sexy tone told me exactly what he was alluding to. “Now you’re really going to be disappointed when I tell you what I do.”

He faltered back. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. It’s time. You really do need to sign my NDA, though.” I grinned.

He tugged on my tee and pulled me to him. “I’ll sign away my life for you.”

Oh. Wow. Was he ever good at stealing my breath. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him once. “I’m glad to hear that.”

He nipped my lip before walking over to pick up Jack.