“Wow. I can’t believe it. That’s sad.” Especially considering they had a child together.
Calista scrunched her brow. “Oh ... I was kind of thinking it might make you feel better.”
“Because Penelope is obviously evil, and Simon is single now.”
“I will absolutely never entertain what you’re thinking. He forgot about me,” I whispered. “He couldn’t even remember my name.”
Calista pulled me in for another hug. “You’re right. I’m sorry. He’s an idiot.”
I held on tight to her. “You should have seen him the first time he saw Penelope. He was smitten. I can still feel the air being stolen from my lungs. Is that pathetic?” I hated that I could still clearly picture the two of them at our table, sitting close together and ignoring me. As I stood to leave, neither of them acknowledged me, let alone said goodbye. I watched them both forget about me.
“No. When the person you love hurts you, it sticks with you like nothing else can.” She knew that better than anyone. Tristan foolishly broke up with her several years ago. He was lucky he got a second chance with her.
“I shouldn’t love Simon. All he ever offered me was friendship. But I thought maybe if he knew how I felt, he could see me as more.” I cringed, thinking of that stupid photo album and all the ridiculous captions. Why couldn’t I have just kept my thoughts to myself? It’s not like I was a bold person. I mean, I let my supposed best friend walk all over me for years. But I’d felt as if I would burst if I didn’t tell him how I felt.
“It’s his loss. Besides, who wants to be with an actor-slash-model anyway?” She laughed.
I let go of her. “Model?” I knew he wanted to be on Broadway. And he was super talented, but nothing had ever panned out while I knew him. He never said anything about modeling aspirations. Although he was certainly gorgeous enough to model.
Calista bit her lower lip. “So, I may have done a little snooping online last night about him. And let me just say, wow.”
“What do you mean, wow?”
Calista pulled out her phone. “A few years ago, he was kind of a big deal in the UK, and now he’s one of the most sought-after voice actors. You should listen to some of the audiobooks he’s done. We are talking about super-famous authors. After listening to a few chapters, Tristan got all sorts of loved on.” She fanned herself. “Anyway, he has his own website. You can check out all the ad campaigns and commercials he’s done in the UK. And the books,” she breathed out. “Listen to them with caution, because holy cow.” She dreamily sighed. “Most of them probably aren’t safe to listen to in front of your parents, but it’s so worth it.” She grinned. “Don’t take this as me liking him, because I absolutely hate him for what he did to you, but the guy is talented.”
I stood stunned.
“Do you want to see?” Calista asked cautiously, holding up her phone.
I stared at her phone, daring myself to look after all these years. Admittedly, I was more than curious. But what good would it do to learn more about Simon? I’d already wasted too much time pining over him.
“I hope you’re not upset that I looked him up. I was just curious to see what kind of idiot would choose Penelope over you. And I thought, since he’s single and you’re both in town, maybe it’s a sign ...,” she trailed off, unsure.
I talked some sense into myself and averted my eyes from her phone. “I know your heart is in the right place. But this isn’t like Tristan’s and your situation. Simon never cared for me the way Tristan cares about you. Let’s eat.” I abruptly changed the direction of the conversation and faked a smile.
Calista lowered her phone and tilted her head. “Jules?”
“I’m fine. I promise. My parents are moving away from Aspen Lake, so I’ll only come back now to visit you. And I can easily avoid him and Penelope,” I hissed her name. “He forgot me, so I’m going to do my best to forget him too,” I said with conviction. Maybe this was the catalyst I needed to finally get over him.
Calista rubbed my arm. “You’re right. I’m so sorry. I should have never looked him up.” She held up her hand. “I solemnly swear I will never listen to his sexy voice again, no matter how much Tristan wants me to for his benefit.”
I giggled, even though my heart was aching. Simon’s voice had mesmerized me many times. I never knew he wanted to be a voice actor, but it was an excellent career choice for him. Good thing I never listened to audiobooks. I was more of a physical-book-in-my-hand kind of reader.
She looped her arm through mine. “Do you forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive.”
She leaned her head on mine. “Thank you. I just want you to be happy. You are such an amazing person, spy girl.”
“You’re going to be so disappointed one day.” I laughed.
“Never in you.”
She had me choking up. She had no idea what that meant to me. “You’re the best.”
“Right back at you. Now let’s go load up on carbs.”