“All the more reason to do it. Just remember, she only has as much power as you give her, so don’t give her any. People like her live for it. So metaphorically kill her today. Just don’t tell anyone I said that. The Hippocratic oath is kind of a stickler about me saying things like that.”

She made me giggle through my nerves. “Your secret is safe with me.”

“I appreciate that. So, are things going good with Simon?”

I thought of all the time we’d been spending together. We were pretty much inseparable. Even though he’d gone back to work, I would hang out at his place while he was in his sound booth. He mostly worked after Jack went to bed so he could be present for Jack during the day. I would read a book while waiting or catch up on emails. I was going to have to go back to work soon too. Every day together was filled with laughs and long talks, playing on the beach, and cooking amazing food. Simon had even pulled me into his small sound booth, where we’d lived out a couple of scenes from the book he was currently working on. He left no doubt as to why Josie was salivating for him to work on her next project. I could still feel the heat of it and how he’d stolen my breath. “Almost too good. Is that weird?”

“I get what you mean. Just enjoy it. It won’t always be like that. Real life always comes to call. Not to say what you’re doing now isn’t real. It’s just the magic part that makes real life bearable.”

It certainly felt magical. “I think I love him more now than ever.”

“Have you told him that?”

“No,” I was quick to say. “I don’t want to scare him, and I want him to say it first. Is that too girlish of me?”

“Not at all. You have a weird history.”

The doorbell rang.

“My history is here to call,” I chirped.

“You mean your future?” she quipped.

Oh, I hoped so.

SIMON AND I DROVE PAST Penelope’s house up above the town in a place we called the Cliffs. The views of the lake and town were breathtaking from up here. Her imposing large brick home sat up a steep incline. The long driveway was already full of cars and several more lined the street, even though we were ten minutes early. It shouldn’t have surprised me. She was probably making sure all her cronies arrived before we did to give them instructions on how they should behave. Mainly making sure she appeared perfect and adored.

“How many people did she invite to the party?” I wondered out loud while gaping at a man and a woman leading several ponies to the backyard of Penelope’s house. Apparently, she was going all out.

“More than she should have,” Simon murmured.

I reached over from the passenger seat and rubbed Simon’s neck. I knew this wasn’t easy for him. “At least we’ll be there together, and we get to see Jack.” It was weird how much I missed him. The little guy had captured my heart.

Simon flashed me a smile. “That is the best news of the day. If I haven’t said it before, thank you for coming with me.”

“I would normally say I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, but that would probably be a lie.” I grinned.

Simon chuckled while parking the car several houses away, up the street. “Believe me, love, I understand. I promise to make it up to you later.”

“Is that so? What do you have planned?”

Simon turned and lowered his shades, his eyes taking in every inch of me dressed smartly in a sleeveless sweater and wide-legged cropped pants. “I think I’d rather show you than tell you.”

“Oh,” I said breathily. “Sounds like it’s not safe for work.”

“Definitely not.” He grabbed my shirt and pulled me to him for a kiss.

I pressed my lips against his, soaking him in, reminding myself that if I wanted to be with Simon, Penelope was part of the package. More than anything, I wanted to be with Simon and Jack, so I would pay that price. I silently vowed that I wouldn’t lose myself to Penelope’s petty ways. I wasn’t going to let her steal this from me.

His lips glided off mine, only for his eyes to capture me with the most thoughtful of looks. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

I tilted my head. “Did you want to tell me something?”

“I do. I will,” he said, flustered, and so unlike him. “Later,” he added.

“Okay. Everything all right?”

“It’s smashing. You’re smashing,” he continued to fumble over his words.