Sandra stared at Simon in an appraising sort of way. “Penelope, huh?” She didn’t sound that pleased, making Simon wonder what kind of reputation Penelope had among Jules and her family. Even in Aspen Lake.

Simon rubbed the back of his neck. “We divorced last year.”

Sandra nodded, her features softening. “I’m sorry to hear that,” she said hastily, not sounding all that sorry.

“Well, we should probably go,” Jules said. “Lots of work to do.”

“Wait,” Simon panicked. “Jack and I were hoping you could have dinner with us.”

“Please, Princess,” Jack begged.

Jules bit her lip, unsure of what to say. Fortunately, Jack seemed to be her kryptonite.

“I have an excellent idea,” Sandra said. “Simon and Jack should join us for dinner. I brought home plenty of Thai takeout.”

Before Jules could disagree, Simon accepted the invitation. “We would love to.”

“Very good,” Sandra said. “Julia never brings friends home.”

Jules pinched the bridge of her nose. She obviously wasn’t thrilled with the situation.

Jack ran to Jules and wrapped his arms around her legs. “Now you can teach me how to talk to your dog.”

Jules gazed down at Jack with such tenderness. “I would be happy to, Sir Jack.”

Jack giggled.

It did Simon’s heart good to hear his son laugh. He wished there had been more laughter in their home over the years.

Sandra unceremoniously strung her arm through Simon’s. “We must get acquainted. You can start by telling me where you’re from.”

Simon had hoped to walk with Jules and Jack, but he refrained from showing his disappointment. He was just grateful for the extra time he had to convince Jules he wasn’t a complete sod. He patted Sandra’s manicured hand. “I’m from Berkshire, love.”

Sandra fanned herself. “Love,” she trilled. “Did you hear that, Julia? He called me ‘love.’”

Jules rolled her eyes, unimpressed, while holding Jack’s hand and swinging it between them. She didn’t even bother to look at Simon.

Her indifference toward him was a conundrum, something he’d never encountered before. As arrogant as it sounded, most people found him to be quite charming. There was a time when Jules would have thought so too.

“I love Berkshire,” Sandra claimed. “The architecture is simply divine.”

“Agreed,” Simon responded.

Sandra regaled Simon with every place she’d visited in the UK as they walked toward the house. Simon only half listened, as he was more interested in the conversation Jack and Jules were having.

“If you really want Winston to talk to you, you have to sing in your highest and funniest voice,” Jules instructed Jack. “Can you do that?”

“Yes!” Jack shouted eagerly.

“Okay. I’m going to teach you the silliest song, and then we’ll sing it together.”

Simon could hear the smile in Jules’s voice. If only he could get her to smile at him.

“Here we go,” Jules sang. “On top of spaghetti all covered with cheese. I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.”

Jack giggled. “That is a silly song.”

“Very,” Jules agreed. “I need you to sing it with me and we’ll see if Winston will sing with us too.”