Page 85 of My eX-MAS Emergency

“Who’s they?” I asked, like I didn’t already know.

“I’m sure you can guess who’s behind this all. Of course, no one on the board will ever admit to it.”

“Of course not,” I seethed. “So, what does this mean?”

Deidra paused for a long time, making my throat dry up and constrict. “I have to suspend you, honey.”

Unwanted tears pricked my eyes as years of hard work went up in flames. Thoughts of wishing I had stayed in Phoenix crossed my mind. That was until Tristan dropped by my side and took my free hand. Our connection did something to me. It reminded me I was a fighter. I knew the risk of rekindling my relationship with him, and I had accepted it. So, if the Grangers wanted to do battle with me, they had better get ready to go a few rounds.

“What about your job?” I had to know.

“As you can imagine, my judgment has come into question. Depending on what the general counsel decides …,” she trailed off. We both knew what would happen if the Grangers had their way. And they always seemed to get their way. But not this time. I wouldn’t let Deidra go down for me. Especially when I did nothing wrong. Any other hospital would have praised my efforts. They would tout the news story and market the heck out of it.

I squeezed Tristan’s hand. “We’re going to fight this.”

“What is your plan?” Deidra begged to know.

I contemplated for a moment. An unpleasant thought came to mind. Oddly, it was in the voice of my mother. I could hear her begging me to do something for her. Forgive. “You mentioned Arthur Harding is on the board.”

“Your grandfather is on the board,” she said uneasily.

Tristan gazed at me wide eyed, knowing this was going to be unpleasant and go against another vow. I’m telling you: socks—they’re a problem.

“Well—” I let out a long breath. “They want a relationship with me. Boy, are they ever going to get one.”

“Honey, are you sure?” Deidra asked.

“No. But I’ll be damned if I stand by and let the Grangers steal something else I love.” I wasn’t even sure how much sway Arthur held on the board, or in this town. But I had to try. People in this town could think what they wanted to about my past. I enjoyed being thought of as a wild child. However, they would not besmirch my reputation as a doctor—or Deidra’s.

“I’ll see what I can do on my end.” Deidra already sounded exhausted.

“Okay. I’m sorry, Deidra.”

“Don’t be. Sometimes in our profession, you have to make split-second decisions. I’m proud of the choice you made. You helped a baby enter the world safely.”

That’s what mattered most to me. “I’ll call you soon,” I promised. “Goodbye.” I hung up and set the phone on the desk.

Tristan’s face was pulsing red. “I’m so sorry, Calista. I’m resigning as of today.”

I looked around his expensive office and even thought about the crowded store below, full of holiday shoppers. Tristan’s success was undeniable. “Do you really want to give all this up?”

“I’m not giving anything up. Except stuffy holiday dinners with overpriced food.”

I rested a hand on his warm cheek. “Tristan, that’s not true.” I pointed all around me. “You like this, and that’s okay.” I wished I would have recognized a long time ago his need to have such things.

“But I love you. Careers are much easier to rebuild than relationships. I’ll never risk ours again. Besides, I warned my parents what would happen if they hurt you.”

“You know they’re going to deny it. Which makes me wonder why she came here.”

“Because that was her way of gloating. There’s not a lot of fun in ruining someone’s life unless they know you did it.”

“She’s not ruining anything,” I vowed. And this time, I really meant it.

“That’s my girl.” He pecked my lips. “What do you need from me?”

“I think I should talk to Arthur and Rosemary alone.”

“Are you sure? I’m happy to go with you.”