Page 79 of My eX-MAS Emergency

His eyes roved over me. “It most definitely does. But honestly,” he got serious, “it’s the one time of year I do something good, and I want you to be there for it.”

I set the scissors down on the exam table and took his handsome face in my hands. “Tristan, I’ve been reminded lately about all the good you have done and keep on doing. All you have to do is look at Quinn. You’ve been a great dad to her. And she’s turned out to be a terrific kid because of it. So, don’t sell yourself short.”

He gave me a grateful smile before centering my body between his legs and pulling me closer. My hands had no choice but to fall on his chest. Oh, darn.

“I will never be as good as you.”

I smiled. “Well, I mean, that’s true.”

He adoringly brushed back my hair. “It is true.”

I couldn’t help but lean in, letting my lips hover above his. “You’re going to get me in trouble.”

“I promise it will be worth it,” he whispered against my lips before capturing them, making me throw caution to the wind.

Oh, yes. I was going to get in lots and lots of trouble.


TRISTAN RUBBED HIS EYES AND took a break from analyzing last week’s projected profits against the same period last year. His gaze landed on the Santa suit hanging on the door in his office. He couldn’t wait to wear it tomorrow with his sexy elf by his side. He was looking forward to their date tonight even more. Calista had been spending as much time with Stella as she could this week, which meant their date got put on the back burner. Not to say he hadn’t seen her. Since he’d run out of “emergencies,” he’d started bringing her coffee or lunch every day. It wasn’t as fun to make out in the break room as it was in the exam rooms, since they always got interrupted. But he would take whatever he could get. The woman had him completely captivated.

An added benefit of his hospital visits was the ability to witness firsthand how much Calista’s coworkers liked her. Even the scary nurse, Evie, seemed to respect her. He was glad some people in this town recognized how amazing she was. Even if his parents didn’t. They were none too happy he and Calista were dating again. Tristan didn’t care as long as they kept their word and left her alone. If not, there would be hell to pay.

He looked around his posh office on the second floor of their flagship store. It had every amenity, from a private veranda to a stone fireplace and a ninety-inch TV screen. As much as he loved it, he would give it up in a second if his parents did anything to Calista. He wasn’t sure what they could do to her. She was an excellent doctor and obviously well liked by the staff. Not to mention, her godmother was the CMO. So his parents would never welcome her to family dinners and holidays—so what? Hell, he would be happy to have an excuse not to attend. All in all, it was a win-win situation.

A knock on his door preceded a cute head peeking in. “Hi, Uncle Tristan.”

“Hey, Quinnster. Are you on a break?” Tristan was proud his niece had come to work for him. Especially since it meant swallowing her pride and doing menial tasks like stocking shelves and making sure the racks of clothing were neat and orderly.

“Yeah. I came up to see if you needed any advice for your date tonight.” She impishly grinned as she strode into his office.

He was afraid to ask for fear she would speak a language he didn’t understand, which only made him feel old. “I think I’m set.”

“Did you get flowers? Candy?”

“Your aunt isn’t really into that kind of thing.” He loved her for it. Not that he wouldn’t buy her anything she wanted. It’s just, he appreciated that thoughtful gestures meant more to her. Although, he had bought some Reese’s Pieces for the occasion, hoping they could play their old game of tossing them into each other’s mouths. Whenever either of them missed, they had to kiss the other person. He planned to miss every single one.

She placed her hands on her hips. “Just don’t screw it up. Don’t say what you said last time, whatever that was. No one will tell me.” She rolled her eyes.

Tristan’s stomach tightened at the mere mention of his idiocy. “Believe me, I have no intention of screwing up this time.”


He closed the reports on his screens and signed off. “How’s it going with you, kiddo? How’s your mom?”

Quinn let out a happy sigh. “Better. Lots better. My mom’s going to go to counseling. Aunt Calista thinks I should talk to someone too,” she said apprehensively.

Tristan gave her a warm smile. “I think that’s a good idea.” After everything her parents had put her through, it was a wonder she was so well adjusted. But Tristan was sure there were things she probably kept to herself, and it would be good to get them out and work through them. He was grateful Calista was being proactive.

Quinn wrung her hands. “It’s kind of weird.”

“It might be at first, but it will help both you and your mom.”

She nodded. “I’m just glad it feels like I have my mom back. Do you think it will last?” The trepidation, and the fact she asked that question, was exactly why she should see a therapist. Poor kid.

Tristan hustled around his desk and spread his arms out.

Quinn ran to him and hugged him fiercely.