Page 76 of My eX-MAS Emergency

“But what if I’m making the wrong choice? Am I a fool to contemplate giving Tristan a second chance?” I had to ask. If ever I needed a mom, it was now.

“Honey, I can’t answer that for you. I’ve always thought he was a decent man. Honestly, I’m glad he broke up with you. You needed to spread your wings and see life outside this town. And I didn’t want to see you end up like Stella, swallowed whole by the Grangers. If you were ever going to be a part of that family, you needed to know who you are and what you’re capable of. Not that you haven’t always had a mind of your own.” She grinned. “But having a mind of your own and knowing who you are, those are very different. You, my love, could never let their name define you.”

What if Tristan hadn’t broken up with me, and because I wanted to keep him, I changed myself to fit into his lifestyle instead of us growing together? Would my twenty-one-year-old self have done such a thing? The thought sent a chill through me. “I couldn’t live with myself if that happened,” I said, terrified.

“It would have killed your soul. But now, I think you know exactly who you are. And I think you are smart enough to know if you want Tristan to be a part of your life. But it will come at a cost.”

“Tristan says he’ll handle his parents. He’s already told them he’ll resign if they do anything to hurt me—or you.”

She gave me an uneasy smile. “Hmm. That’s very noble of him, but Cordelia and Frasier don’t like to lose. They know how to persuade people in this town without it ever coming back to them.”

It wasn’t surprising. Disgusting, but not surprising. “So, I don’t fight?” That felt so wrong to my soul.

She hemmed and hawed before sitting up proudly with her shoulders squared. “I would never tell you that. We’re fighters. And I’ve dealt with tougher opponents than the Grangers my entire life.”

“But what if you lose your job because of me? Will you hate me?”

“Honey, I would hate myself more if I told you to cower in the corner. If you feel like Tristan is worth a second chance, then you follow your heart. We will deal with whatever comes.”

I bit my lip, knowing I was about to make a pivotal decision with far-reaching consequences. One that might even open the doors of hell and let Cordelia and Frasier’s minions out. Was Tristan worth the wrath? He was willing to get arrested for me. And he was a sexy tough guy when he needed to be. More importantly, he had a soft touch. I thought of how wonderful he’d been with Quinn and my mom—and with me. He drew baths and took care of kittens. It would mean breaking another vow, but Mom did say not all promises are good to keep. And she loved Tristan.

So did I.

“Get your boxing gloves out,” I warned Deidra.

“Oh, honey, I never put them away.”

That was a good life lesson right there.

“Still no cowboy medicine,” she warned me with a smile.

“I still prefer cowgirl.” I smirked.

“Get out of here, knucklehead.” She laughed.

I couldn’t leave without saying, “I love you, Deidra. Thank you.”

“Right back at you, kid. Now go help some people.”

That’s all I ever wanted to do.

I arrived in the ER ten minutes before my shift began. Enough time to follow my favorite person, Evie, to the break room, where she scowled at me from the counter where a few coffeepots were brewing. It smelled like a cheap Starbucks.

“Good morning, Evie. Before you pour a cup of coffee, I have the perfect mug for you.”

She gripped the mug she was planning on using like she was daring me to steal it from her.

I placed my backpack on the table nearest me and pulled out the mug I’d ordered for her. It said, Chaos Coordinator (Someone who solves problems you never knew existed in ways that will blow your mind). See also ninja; rock star; legend.

“Here you go.” I proudly held up the mug. “I think it’s an apt description of you.” It really was. For as grumpy as she was, she ran a well-organized unit.

She eyed the black mug with white lettering like it might bite her. That was until she read it. Her lips twitched, begging to smile. But she refused to give in. “That’s thoughtful of you,” she said curtly.

I handed it to her with a bright smile. “Is it too early to call you my best friend?” I teased her.

She swiped the mug from me with a surly “Thank you.” Then she turned and silently dismissed me.

I guess that was a no go on the best friend thing. We would work on it.