Page 58 of My eX-MAS Emergency

Javier’s sons got restless and wanted to watch for Santa’s arrival, so they said their goodbyes.

As soon as they were gone, I whispered to Jules, “I’m so sorry.”

“I’m used to it. I’m forgettable.”

I shook my head, refusing to believe it. “It’s because it’s dark,” I fretted.

She laughed. “Nice try. Honestly, I’m okay.”

I’m glad one of us was. So much turmoil bubbled inside me from fear that the Grangers knew I was there with Tristan, and from hating myself for caring what they thought, and from the situation with my sister and Skippy. To top it off, my feelings for Tristan were out in full force. The combination made it so I didn’t even have the heart to catch any of the candy being lobbed at us like torpedoes. A frenzy ensued around us. Children of all ages were jumping and scrambling to get as much candy as they could. Even Quinn and Beckett joined in on the fun.

Focusing on Quinn, I didn’t realize Tristan had gotten in on the candy action. But out of nowhere, in front of me appeared a cinnamon lollipop wrapped in red cellophane. Just like the one Tristan and I shared at the last parade we went to together.

“For you,” Tristan murmured.

I stared at the lollipop that held so much meaning. When my eyes drifted up and caught hold of Tristan’s, in his own, I could see his plea for me to open the door to him. Come home, he begged.

A hundred sweet memories of us filled my mind. Whether we were slow dancing to only the music our hearts sang or playing canasta with Mom to keep her from feeling so lonely, there was one overriding feeling—love. A love like I had never known before or since. I ached to have it back. To take the lollipop and share it—and my life—with Tristan.

I raised my hand to take the lollipop, not caring about the consequences and feeling like myself. But just as I was about to take it and the silent invitation accompanying it, the most grating voice punctuated the chilly air, making it even icier.

“There you are, Tristan,” Cordelia trilled, making the peasants around her part the way for the Grand Duke and Duchess of Aspen Lake.

It shattered the spell that had come over me. I dropped my hand and stepped back into the crowd, grabbing Jules for comfort, hating myself for being so cowardly. I wanted to be elf-outfit-wearing Calista. But then I looked at Quinn, smiling brightly and laughing with Beckett, dancing in a shower of candy. I needed to be there for her. She was going to need guidance through the tricky teen years. And I knew that right now my sister wasn’t up for the job. While I was at it, I needed to save Stella too.

Tristan lurched forward, but something in my expression made him freeze midstep. “Calista,” he desperately called my name amid the surrounding glee.

Cordelia stood next to Tristan, and with her claw covered in Gucci gloves, she grabbed his arm, daring me to answer his call.

I gripped Jules tighter, knowing I would have to fight another day. And believe me, I would. After Quinn graduated, there would be hell to pay. For now, all I could say was, “Merry Christmas, Cordelia. It’s good to know you’re still saving Santa a trip to your house. How very kind of you.”

Tristan chuckled.

Cordelia blinked, not comprehending at first, but when it finally dawned on her, she sneered the most condescending of sneers. She didn’t bother retorting. I wasn’t worthy enough for her to speak to. But I got what she was saying. Stay away from Tristan or you’ll be sorry.

Oh, I was sorry, all right. Sorry I ever came back to this town.


LIKE A LOVESICK PUPPY, TRISTAN lay on his bed staring at the photo Quinn had sent him while a decent amount of snow fell outside the window. The howling wind was his alarm clock this morning and a reminder he needed to get up and feed the horses before he went into the office. But the photo of Calista, Quinn, and him at the parade mesmerized him. It showed him what his life could have been if he wasn’t such an idiot. He kept staring at Calista with her head on his shoulder, longing to be close to her.

It had been a week since he’d seen Calista’s gorgeous face in person. She was working a lot of night shifts. Not that he would have seen much of her, anyway. It was clear she wanted him to stay away from her. He had an inkling it wasn’t just because she was afraid of him. Something else, or should he say, someone else, was getting to her.

It didn’t take a genius to know who it was. If his parents hadn’t shown up at the parade, who knows what might have happened that night. Maybe he wouldn’t have been reduced to looking at photos of the woman he loved. He stared at the empty side of his bed, torrid thoughts running through his mind.

He sat up and ran a hand through his unkempt hair, knowing he needed to get up and face the day—and the fact that he probably wasn’t going to get his Christmas wish this year. Even if he once again warned his parents to lay off Calista. They feigned innocence, but he knew they were up to something. They never attended the Christmas parade unless the mayor invited them to light the tree in the town square. This year that honor had gone to a local educator who won Nevada’s teacher of the year.

His parents were trying to send a message to Calista. He assumed it was about her job, given their conversation on Thanksgiving. Whatever it was, it had rattled Calista. And that was a hard thing to do. He’d never known her to back down from any kind of fight. If they did anything to hurt her, he would make good on his threat.

For now, though, he needed to get ready and head to work. With the weather, it was going to be a slow drive in. But first, the horses.

He grabbed a pair of jeans off the chair close to his bed. He’d just gotten his pants buttoned up when Quinn called.

“What’s up, Quinnster?”

“I need a ride to school. My mom’s too tired to get up, and Aunt Calista isn’t answering her phone. She should have left work already. What if something happened to her on the way home?” Quinn cried.

Tristan’s heart pounded rapidly. The thought that something could have happened to Calista knocked the breath out of him. Yet he remained calm for Quinn. “I’m sure things just ran long with a patient. I’ll take you to school.” Then he was going to have words with Stella. Her behavior was unacceptable.