Page 52 of My eX-MAS Emergency

“That’s what they said too.”

Deidra’s eyes popped. “Interesting.”

“You could say that.”

“How do you feel about it?”

“Let’s just say they won’t be getting a Christmas card from me this year.”

Deidra laughed, but then she pressed her lips together. “You know, Arthur sits on the hospital’s board of trustees.”

“Of course he does,” I snarled.

“He’s not who you have to worry about,” she whispered.

I swallowed hard. “Who should I worry about? I thought you said I was doing a good job.”

“You are, honey.” She walked over and shut the door before she continued. “It’s just that Max heard some things at the country club over the weekend.”

Her husband was more of the country club type than Deidra was. I still loved him, regardless of his misguided ways.

“What did he hear?” I snapped.

“Just that you and Tristan are spending a lot of time together.”

“We share a niece, and we are both trying to give her a good Christmas,” I defended myself, even though I had no reason to. What I did in my free time was none of anyone’s business.

“I know,” she said in a soft tone. “I just wanted to caution you the Grangers are none too happy about it.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Let me guess: they’re afraid I’ll turn their son into a decent human being who cares more about people than money. The horror.” I fake shuddered.

Deidra smiled. “I think they are afraid they will lose control, just like last time.”

“Well, they don’t have to worry. Tristan and I aren’t getting back … um … together,” I had a hard time saying the words. I was ridiculous. Maybe the holidays were doing strange things to my mind. They always made me feel lonelier. It’s probably why I was having crazy thoughts about Tristan. I just needed to make it past New Year’s Day. Surely my powers of resistance would increase exponentially after that. Especially since we would spend less time together after Christmas was over and Quinn got her old-fashioned holiday.

Deidra tilted her head. “Is there something you want to talk about?”

“No,” I said, in a pitchy cadence that said otherwise.

“You can talk to me, honey.”

“I know. It’s just that there’s nothing to talk about. We’re being friendly, for Quinn’s sake.”

“Rigghhht. For Quinn’s sake.”

“You know what he did,” I reminded her.

“I also know how in love with him you were.”

Were? If only the love actually were in past tense, my life would be so much simpler. “It would be silly to want to get back together with him. It’s totally against my principles,” I rambled.

She carefully eyed me. “If you say so. Just know that I’m here. And watch your back. You already proved the Grangers wrong once when you became a doctor. If you and Tristan were to rekindle your romance, there’s no telling how unhinged they might become,” she warned.

I knew Deidra was pleading with me in a roundabout way to remember it wasn’t only me on the line, but her name and position were at stake as well.

“There’s no need to worry,” I promised her. I would do my best to protect her reputation.

I really hoped it didn’t turn out like the sock promise.