Page 45 of My eX-MAS Emergency

He set his phone down and admired the tree decorated with popcorn and cranberry garland, dozens of paper snowflakes, and beaded stars and cinnamon sticks. “It’s perfect, except it’s missing an angel.” He smiled at Calista, the most beautiful angel around.

“I just so happen to have the one my mom made.” She danced over to a nearby accent chair and picked up an old shoebox. Calista opened the lid and retrieved a wad of tissue paper. Carefully she removed the paper to reveal a white-and-gold papier-mâché angel. Tears filled her eyes as she gazed upon the beloved heirloom. “I haven’t used this in years.”

Tristan had a feeling it hadn’t been used since their last Christmas together.

Calista held up the angel and walked over to the tree so Quinn could get a good look at it. “Your grandma made this for your grandpa the first year they were married. They couldn’t afford to buy one, so she made do with what they had. It graced our tree every year while I was growing up. Dad said it would always be his favorite gift.” She smiled at their niece. “Do you want to do the honors and put it on the top of the tree?”

Quinn grinned and almost nodded her head, but then thought the better of it. “I think you should do it. Grandma would like that.”

“I wish you could remember her,” Calista choked out. “She loved you more than anything. Just like me … and your uncle,” she added, only a little begrudgingly.

Tristan jumped off the couch, taking advantage of the opportunity presented to him. He knew Calista wasn’t tall enough to reach the top. “Let me help you.”

“I’ll just get a chair,” she stuttered, flustered. “Besides, you might rip your stitches.”

It was worth the risk in his mind. With pleasure, he placed his hands on her waist, letting his fingers press into her sweater, longing for it to be her bare skin, before she could protest. He gently pulled her to him and breathed her in. Every part of him wanted her.

She flinched but didn’t move away from him or demand he take his hands off her.

“You ready?” he whispered in her ear. He noticed the skin rise on the curve of her elegant neck.

She nodded, and he easily lifted her lean and toned body. The woman was so desirable, it was killing him.

Calista expertly placed the angel on top, but he waited a few extra seconds before he lowered her, not wanting to let go of her just yet, or ever, even if it was killing his back. Once he did, she wobbled as if she were woozy. Tristan hoped it was from his touch. He was feeling tipsy himself. Regardless, like the gentleman he was, he kept his hands on her until she was steady.

It wasn’t until she said, “I’m good. Thank you,” that he let go.

Flushed, she placed some space between them. “It’s perfect.” She fanned herself.

He felt the heat too.

Quinn smiled between them, pleased that her plan might be working.

Tristan wasn’t too sure about that.

“Who wants more cocoa?” Calista asked.

Quinn pressed her lips together and scrunched her cute nose. “Actually, some of my friends are getting together to watch a movie, and I was wondering if I could go.”

“Sure,” Tristan replied at the same time Calista said, “But I thought we were going to watch White Christmas and sing “Sisters” when it came on, and do the dance together.”

Tristan was looking forward to that too.

“Can we do it tomorrow night? Please?” She gave Calista puppy dog eyes.

“Is Beckett going to be there?” Calista asked.

“Yes,” Quinn chirped. “Pretty please, can I go?” She kissed Calista on the cheek. “I promise I’ll be home before ten.”

Calista grabbed Quinn’s cheeks and smushed them. “Fine, but there had better be parents there. And no going into dark rooms alone with Beckett.”

Tristan silently berated himself for not remembering to ask about those things before he agreed to let Quinn go. This was why he needed Calista in his life. She was better at the parenting thing than he was. At least he was better than Stella, who had been gone all day. She didn’t even show up to help decorate the tree. It was really starting to tick him off how much of Quinn’s life she was missing. He wasn’t sure why she thought it was okay to check out of being Quinn’s mom. Why she even thought that was an option was beyond him.

Quinn raised up her right hand and, with her cheeks smushed, said, “I swear there will be parents there, and I’ll only make out with Beckett in fully lit rooms.” She giggled.

Calista laughed and dropped her hands. “Go get ready, you nut. Then your uncle and I will drop you off.”

Tristan’s brow jetted up, surprised by her declaration. He was more than okay with the plan. The fact that she purposely chose to go anywhere with him was a Christmas miracle.