Page 42 of My eX-MAS Emergency

I turned and met his gaze. He fixed his blue eyes on me, begging me to let him in.

The part of me that had fallen into his arms last night and sobbed into his chest wanted me to open the door and welcome him right back in. Honestly, as I was trying to fall asleep last night, I couldn’t quit thinking about the way it had felt. I even ached to be close to him again. But I had principles to live up to. And I didn’t plan on making Aspen Lake my permanent home again. I couldn’t break every promise I had ever made. Socks were one thing. Tristan was entirely another—and much more uncomfortable than socks.

But just like last night when I wanted to lie to him, I couldn’t. “It’s beautiful,” I whispered, mostly against my will. But it was the truth. There was no denying the magic of this place.

Tristan smiled widely. “I still have a lot of work to do on it. Getting the road paved, for one.”

“Don’t,” I said before I could stop myself. “I like a good dirt road.” My cheeks burned as I turned away from him. I might as well have said, Take me now. What was wrong with me? He could do whatever he wanted with his piece of heaven, even if paving the road would take away from the charm of the place.

“I remember,” he responded. “Do you recall that time we went camping up above Grove Creek and turned off on that little dirt road and got stuck? And we had to spend the night in my truck?”

“What did you do?” Quinn asked, concerned, while she carefully traversed the rutted road.

Oh, I remember what we’d done, and our niece would never learn about it. Let’s just say it was my favorite camping trip. “Uh, we just sang camp songs until a ranger found us and pulled us out.”

“Liar,” Tristan said softly, for my ears only.

I nudged him with my elbow, thinking about how we had lain wrapped up in each other in the bed of his truck, gazing at the stars in the skies and in our eyes, planning our future. Who could have known how different it would all turn out? Now, I didn’t even like him. Or at least that was the story I would keep telling myself.

“Best camping trip ever,” he added.

I wished I could disagree with him, but I couldn’t. I was more than grateful when Quinn pulled up on the concrete pad in front of his detached garage and I could exit the truck. It was getting a little too close for comfort for me. My hands were itching to touch him, like they just needed a little hit of him. I knew exactly what that would lead to, and it wasn’t happening. Before we’d gone on our first date, I’d told myself it was no big deal. That I could walk away from him anytime I wanted to. And that was the biggest lie I had ever told myself. It was all or nothing with him.

As soon as Quinn slipped out of the truck, I slid out and took a deep breath of fresh air. The scent of pine filled my senses, making me remember how much I used to love Aspen Lake, even if the town didn’t love me.

I put on my coat and wrapped an arm around Quinn, trying my best to avoid looking at Tristan’s house and picturing myself there. “Are you ready to get a Christmas tree?”

She leaned her head on my shoulder. “It finally feels like a real Christmas.”

I kissed her head. “We are going to have the realest Christmas ever.”

She giggled.

Tristan joined us, looking way too good in his jeans and flannel shirt. He had the whole sexy-lumberjack vibe going for him. “I won’t be able to swing the axe. Doctor’s orders.” He winked at me. “But I’m willing to instruct. It will be a hands-on course.”

I saw where this was going, and I was way ahead of him. “A handsaw is much better for the job, and I’m thoroughly proficient with that tool.”

His face dropped.

“Do you not have a saw?” I teased him.

He cleared his throat. “I have one.”

“Perfect.” I smirked as we walked past him. “Lead the way.”

“Then you can meet Buttercup. She’s my horse,” Quinn gushed. “Maybe we can even go riding later.”

I loved horseback riding. There was nothing more romantic than a long ride through the backcountry. “Your uncle shouldn’t get on a horse until he gets his stitches out.” I had to nip that one in the bud. No telling how itchy my fingers might get if I saw Tristan on a horse again.

“Oh, bummer,” Quinn moaned.

Tristan sidled up to my other side. “By the way, I’m going to need help with the bandage later. I can’t seem to reach it properly.”

“I’m sure Quinny would love to help you out.”

“Ooh, gross. No.” She totally betrayed me.

Tristan couldn’t grin any wider. “I guess it’s up to you, Doc. I mean, you wouldn’t want it to get infected.”