Tristan pointed at his mother. “That’s the problem right there. You don’t want to deal with it. Just like you don’t want to admit that you were wrong about Calista. Well, guess what? I plan to spend the rest of my life with her. If you want me in your life, you better damn well treat her with the respect she deserves.”
Cordelia and Frasier stood still, swallowing hard.
“Does this mean you’re not resigning?” Frasier had the gall to ask.
“I’m still resigning. I told you not to hurt Calista, yet you did. Besides, I want to do more worthwhile things with my time and money. I want to be more like Calista,” he said, knowing that would irritate his parents more than anything. But it was the truth. He was tired of living a life for himself.
He got the reaction he wanted. His parents both stared incredulously at him.
Feeling better now that he had gotten that off his chest, Tristan turned to go and waved behind him. “Merry Christmas. If you want to know where to find me, I’ll be wrapped up under the tree with a gorgeous brunette.”
Tristan strode out of the kitchen with a smile on his face.
His mother yelled after him, “You’re going to regret this. Mark my words.”
The only thing he regretted was leaving Calista thirteen years ago. That was one mistake he would never make again.
TRISTAN WALKED INTO STELLA’S HOUSE to find Calista, Quinn, and Stella working out to old Leslie Sansone videos. “Now walk, walk, walk,” Calista imitated Leslie through her giggles. Tristan leaned against the wall in the great room and smiled at the trio. He felt a sense of peace as he watched them enjoy themselves. Only Calista could have brought about such a miracle.
When Calista noticed him, she ran to him. He particularly enjoyed the tiny athletic shorts and sports bra she was wearing. She jumped into his arms and wrapped her long legs around him, her face bursting with good news.
Tristan pressed his fingers into her bare flesh, igniting an unquenchable desire in him. Since they had company, he settled for chastely kissing her lips. “Things must have gone well with your grandparents.”
Calista beamed at him. “Deidra called a few minutes ago to let me know the board has reversed their decision. Something about they received misinformation, blah, blah.” She rolled her eyes. “Deidra was pretty sure the Cavanaughs played a part too. They were going to go to the press and fight for me. Can you believe it?” she gushed.
Tristan didn’t admit to calling them. All he cared about was Calista’s happiness and her job being safe. “I absolutely believe it. You’re incredible.” That earned him another kiss.
“How did it go with your parents?” she hesitated to ask.
“As well as could be expected. I resigned.”
She placed her hands on his cheeks. “Are you sure this is what you want to do?”
“Calista,” he said with meaning, “I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life. You don’t mind being with a ski instructor, do you?” he teased.
She smiled and brushed her thumb across his stubbled cheek. “I just want you to be happy.”
“I’ve never been happier in all my life than I am right now.”
That mischievous glint in her eye appeared. “Good. Because you need to come do Walk Away the Pounds with us.” She slid down his body and grabbed his hand.
“Come on, Uncle Tristan,” Quinn shouted from the arms of her mom, the glow of the Christmas tree bathing them in a soft light.
Stella held her daughter tight. Tristan prayed she kept it that way. Something caught his eye in the middle of the tree. “You added another angel.”
Calista squeezed his hand, her eyes watering. “It was my mom’s. Rosemary wanted me to have it.”
How fitting, Tristan thought. An angel for an angel. He pulled her to him and kissed her forehead. The warmth of her body against his, and the thump of her heart against his chest, was a reminder she was real, and they were together.
Calista let out a contented sigh.
That was exactly how he felt—content.
Calista tilted her chin, her eyes boring right into his own. “I love you.”
Tristan had thought he would never hear those words coming from her mouth again. He couldn’t ask for a better Christmas gift. And this time he knew he would never take those words, or her, for granted.