Page 48 of My eX-MAS Emergency

“These are just appendages to the original question.”

“I didn’t agree to those terms.”

He leaned in closer, his minty breath and amber yumminess filling my senses. “Agree to them now.”

I pushed on his hard chest, trying to keep some distance between us, but my fingers were such traitors, begging me to undo a few of his buttons. “Is this how you get business done, Mr. CEO?”

He moved in a little more, his lips getting dangerously close to mine. “Does my title bother you?”

“Should it?”

“Does that mean now you’re willing to date men who make more than the median income?”

I had forgotten about that rule. Obviously, I had broken that one by dating him. I thought he would be my only exception. Becoming a doctor had changed things. It would be hypocritical to keep such a rule, considering I made well above the median income. Not like I was rolling in cash, with all my student loans, but I wasn’t hurting financially. I was a little disgusted. Apparently, I couldn’t keep any of my dang promises to myself. My mom was probably having a good laugh at my expense. It had all started with the socks.

“What is this, a job interview?”

“You’re not answering my questions.”

“You’re not giving me any answers either,” I challenged him, trying not to stare at his parted lips, which were way too inviting. My fingers pressed a bit deeper into his chest, enjoying the feel far too much. I was more than disappointed in myself, yet I didn’t remove one digit.

He placed a hand over mine, flattening my hand against his chest. I could feel the beat of his strong heart. “This isn’t a job interview; I’m just trying to get to know you.”

“I don’t see why these questions are pertinent,” I whispered, breathily. It was getting awfully warm in the cab of his truck. And it had nothing to do with the heater blasting.

“You’re still not answering me.” He smiled.

That was because I couldn’t think. He was overwhelming my senses, and my body was begging for him. Thankfully, I caught a glimpse of some movement across the street. “I think that’s my sister.”

Tristan turned, allowing my hand to drop and for a clearer head to prevail. Holy crap, I had almost given in to temptation. What was wrong with me?

“I think that’s Stella,” he agreed.

I grabbed the binoculars, making sure not to jostle the sleeping kittens. They were adorable. I held the binoculars to my eyes, trying to get a good visual of my sister. Unfortunately, the snow was coming down harder. “She’s with someone,” I reported. “A man.” I handed the binoculars to Tristan. “Do you recognize him?”

Tristan focused on them. “No, but he’s getting cozy with her against her car.”

“What?” I snatched the binoculars back and looked through them. What I saw made me a little squeamish. They had hands all up and down each other while the snow swirled around them. Stella hiked her leg up on him, and he put his hand under her skirt. “Oh my hell. Go back into the freaking room!” I yelled. If they were this exuberant in public, there was no telling what went on in the motel.

Tristan chuckled.

“Please don’t let my sister be a prostitute,” I prayed out loud.

“I don’t think she’s a hooker,” Tristan tried to make me feel better, but he didn’t sound all that confident.

“Zoom in with your phone and get some pictures of him. We need to find out who this guy is and why he’s groping my sister outside a sleazy motel.”

Tristan held up his phone. “How are you going to find out who he is?”

“I have my ways.” Meaning, I was going to ask Jules, a.k.a. the CIA analyst, to help me out. I had a feeling she could.

“Care to share with the class?”

“Not yet,” I replied.

He snapped a few pictures before turning my way. “Today’s been the best day I’ve had in a long time.”

I lowered the binoculars, a little sick from all the PDA. Don’t get me wrong: I liked my own PDA—within limits. But watching my sister behave like a hormone-crazed teen was disturbing. Especially if she was getting paid for it. “You know, considering the way they’re behaving, this now borders on voyeurism. We could get arrested,” I warned him.