She was standing so close he’d only have to take a step towards her to reach for her, but her stance was rigid...chin lifted, eyes stony.
‘It’s not like that,’ he said tightly. ‘Look...’ he frowned ‘...eight years ago I had nothing—nothing except responsibilities. Responsibilities to complete my training, make something of myself any way I could...’
He saw something changing in her face, but he ignored it. This was important—he had to make her understand. Understand that now was not then.
‘And now I have! I’m a wealthy man. And, whilst I still have a great deal I want to do with my life, things that I want to achieve—as you do, I’m sure, in your own field—I’ve got time now. Real time to want more than I wanted eight years ago. And what I want...who I want...’ his voice softened again as his eyes rested on her unflinchingly, openly ‘ you.’ He took a breath. ‘I told you that at Sounion. Told you that even if I’d never known you before I would want you now. And, no—not just for a summer romance! Calanthe, this...between us...could be something else. Something that might prove really my life.’ He paused. ‘You’re important to me, Calanthe—I want you to know that.’
She didn’t answer. Her hands had fallen to her sides as he’d spoken to her, saying the things he knew he had to say. He could not read her face, though he searched her eyes. Then she took a breath.
‘I’m going up to shower and change,’ she said.
She walked to where her sundress was lying on the lounger, picked it up. Turned back to him as she slipped her feet into flat sandals. Took another breath and looked straight at him. Face expressionless.
‘Stay away from me tonight,’ she told him.
Then she turned and headed for the path, making her way up through the gardens.
Nikos watched her till she was lost to sight.
‘Stay away from me tonight.’
Her words echoed in his head, and his own answer echoed too.
I can’t.
CALANTHE GAVE HER appearance once last check, relieved that she had brought this particular dress to wear this evening. It was Grecian-style, a pale column of finely pleated ivory silk, the bodice draping over her torso, and it made her look cool and elegant.
Not in the least enticing.
That was the last thing she wanted.
But once...
Memory flickered like a flame she wanted to quench, yet still flickered for all that.
That vivid vermilion peasant skirt...the off-the-shoulder embroidered blouson...her hair loose and tumbling...
All to lure Nik.
There was a sour taste in her mouth. Oh, Nik had got lucky that summer, all right! She’d fallen for him totally, given herself to him totally, wanting nothing more in all the world than him! And he... Well, he’d helped himself to her—to more than what she’d offered him so very gladly...
She pulled her mind away, out of the past. She could not bear to think about it now.
Back in the present, his words on the beach hung in the space between herself and her reflection.
‘You’re important to me, Calanthe.’
Her expression steeled. Yet in the pit of her stomach she could feel what she’d never wanted to feel ever again. The wash of hot, humid humiliation that she could not bear to acknowledge, to face, or to admit. She turned away, not wanting to see the woman in the mirror...the woman who could be ‘important’ to Nikos Kavadis.
She would not be that woman.
Reluctantly, she crossed to the bedroom door. She had taken refuge in her room, performing lengthy ablutions, taking for ever over her hair, even though it was simply coiled in a soft chignon at her nape, and a long time over her make-up, even though it was the bare minimum for such an evening.
She had taken as long as she could, even asking one of the maids to bring her some Earl Grey tea as she dressed for the evening, but she could delay no longer—or Marina would send out a search party. Already she could hear music coming in through the glass doors to her balcony.