In the past, he didn’t give two shits if a woman was done with him, but now he was getting angry that things were ending when he was thinking they were just starting.
“I’m just going to come out and say it. There is no way to sugarcoat it and that isn’t my way.”
“Say what is on your mind,” he said, crossing his arms.
“What are you ticked off about?” she asked.
“I expect you’re going to end things or want to step back and that is your choice, but I’m livid that I allowed you into my daughter’s life and now have to figure out a way to deal with it.”
She frowned. “Allowed?”
“Yes,” he said. “That is my choice, not yours. I did it and I’ll have to pay the consequences for it.”
She put her hand up. “I want to address your words, but we need to back up. You’re worked up and don’t even know what I’m going to say.”
“It’s hard not to get worked up with your tone of voice and body language,” he said.
Here he thought he was coming to spend some quality time with her and relax.
And when had he started to think of time with a woman as quality and not just a physical release?
“You’re right,” she said. “I’m wrong there and will admit it. But I’ve had twenty-four hours to get worked up over something.”
“Tell me what it is,” he said. “And why did you wait so long?”
She shook her head. “You’re working. You have had other things on your mind. I would never do that to you. Never distract you from what needs to be done just as I’d expect the same respect from someone I’m with.”
He nodded his head. “Thanks,” he said. “I appreciate that. I don’t know what is going on but finding out long distance and having to deal with it or defend myself knowing I might not be able to isn’t the best for anyone.”
He’d done that enough in his life.
Some of his foolish actions and words distracted him from the work he needed to do on the field.
Maybe that was another part of keeping Penelope out of it too. He didn’t want it to take away from his job as a broadcaster.
He knew how hard it was in this cancel culture society.
One wrong move or word and you could be out of a job.
Networks didn’t want to deal with those things.
Which was another reason why it was going to be hard to talk about Penelope and he wanted to do it in the off-season.
No reason to draw attention to him and his broadcasting team on the job they had to do.
“It’s not. So here is my question. You asked if it was going to be known about our relationship at the same time as Penelope. Why?”
“What do you mean why?” he asked.
“Why did you ask that?”
“Because maybe I want the world to know I’ve got a girlfriend too. Maybe if they did and we got it over with, I can take you out to a nice restaurant and not always have to work out time around when one of us isn’t traveling and then has to be cooped up in your house or mine.”
Her head went back and forth. “That’s the only reason?”
“What other reason could there be?” he asked. “I know you don’t want the attention. You’ve said it before. Your brothers have too. But you had to know going in dating me it couldn’t be kept quiet forever. No more than West or Braylon could keep their relationships quiet. Sometimes it’s just better to be on the offensive than defensive. When you’re defensive people think you’re hiding something. I’ve got nothing to hide.”
“And you think I’ve got something to hide?”