“We’ve had two dates. Technically dates,” she said. “One lunch at a place he picked out not far from his home. We weren’t bothered when we were there. They know him there. But when we left people were wanting his picture and autograph.”
“What did you do?” West said.
“Nothing. I got in my car and left. I was dressed for work. Some people might have assumed it was a business lunch.”
“Which you both could have pushed it off as even though Jamie isn’t ready for the business to be public yet,” West said.
She knew that. It was why the plant that was purchased fell under West’s company. No one would see Jamie’s name on anything just yet.
“We’ll get to the work part soon,” Braylon said. “Two dates and you’re telling us. Where was the second one?”
“He came to my place on New Year’s Eve,” she said.
“Did he stay the night?” West asked.
She felt her face blush and didn’t know why.
She was a grown woman who was far from a virgin.
Her brothers were always protective of her, but this was nuts.
“None of your business,” she said. “I don’t ask you those things.”
Braylon was only grinning, then shrugged. “I know better than to say a word about it.”
“That’s right,” she said. “I’ve gotten close to him since we’ve been working together.”
“You’re not around much to get close to anyone,” West said. “It’s only been six weeks since I even told you about the business. You’ve been on the road some of it. He travels and has other responsibilities on top of it.”
“I wasn’t aware you followed my life that closely,” she said, crossing her arms. “No one does that to you.”
“It’s my job to look out for you,” West said.
“Oh man,” Braylon said. “This is some entertainment. Keep it up. Wish I had popcorn.”
“Put a cork in it,” she said to Braylon, then turned back to West. “I don’t need anyone to protect me now. I know you felt you had to do it for years when we were growing up. We all appreciate it. Every single one of us. But I’m thirty-one years old and don’t need you to give me shit over a guy I sleep with.”’
Braylon started to laugh and West’s face got that boardroom domineering look to it.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” West said.
“Don’t make me get up and walk out of this office. Or better yet, call your future wife and get her on my side. You know damn well she is going to be.”
West calmed down after that. “I just don’t want you to get hurt. I’m sure you know he has a reputation.”
“I do,” she said. “Years ago. And you know as well as I do he’s not that person anymore and why. The door is shut so we can say it. He changed once his daughter was born. He is fully committed to her and won’t do anything to bring negativity toward her. He doesn’t even want the public to know about her yet. Being protective and all. Just like you.”
“She has you there,” Braylon said.
“Thank you,” she said to Braylon. “He’s not the same person he was years ago, but he’s not denying he was that person either. I’d never be around someone like he was back then. You claim you know me so well, then am I wrong?”
“No,” West said.
“That’s right. You told me to give him a chance and listen to his story and I did. Maybe I like the man he is.”
“Have you met his daughter?” Braylon asked.
She sighed. “Yes. He didn’t want me to but then admitted he knew having me meet at his house before we went to the plant to meet Nelson that there was a chance it could happen. Penelope is a sweetheart. Seeing the two of them together was adorable.”