“I wish my mother would accept things.”
She laughed. “West had to fight my mother to do it too. He just did it without asking. My mother stopped fighting. She always said to give it to the kids. He did the practical things for her too. He’d built the house she’s in now and said if she didn’t give any input he was going to decorate it in crystals and marble.”
“I bet your mother didn’t like that,” he said.
They paused when their food was brought out.
“No. She’s a simple woman and was appalled, but she knew West would do it to prove a point and not care about the money.”
“Then she told him what she wanted?” he asked.
“She did. West still upgraded a lot of things, but they were both happy in the end. He’s got the same issues with Abby. Guess my mother gave him some experience there to learn from.”
She wouldn’t say much more about Abby or West’s relationship. Though West and Jamie were business partners, it wasn’t her place to say things that West might or might not share.
She didn’t talk much about her brother to anyone and was stunned she was as much as she had today.
But this was a different situation too.
“Once I sent new furniture to my parents and my father sent it back,” he said. “Bet your mother wouldn’t do that.”
“I’m sorry,” she said. “No. My mother would be annoyed but wouldn’t want to hurt West by doing that.”
“My father doesn’t care. He feels he’s right and because I didn’t follow the correct Christian beliefs, everything I do is wrong.”
She never thought she’d hear this and was surprised he was telling her.
She was pleased that he was opening up and being so honest too. It at least told her this was something he was putting some effort into.
“I don’t remember a lot about my father,” she said. “You know he was in the service. You knew that, right?”
“I did. I read a lot about West before I approached him. Business and personal. I think the personal is what made a bigger impact on me.”
“Because you’re the same way or trying to be.”
“Trying is the keyword,” he said. “What good is having all of this money if I can’t share it with people who I love and care for?”
She reached her hand over and touched his and then pulled it back once she realized what she’d done.
“One thing I learned is sometimes love comes with strings attached. It sucks and I don’t ever want to do that to anyone.”
“I never will,” he said, picking up his burger and taking a bite.
She did the same with her sandwich. Maybe it was time to change the subject. “I thought you were a health freak.”
He finished chewing. “I am, but there is nothing wrong with a good burger now and again. Notice I got chips instead of fries. Though both are fried.”
She picked one of the chips up and popped it in her mouth. They were homemade and had some Parmesan cheese on them.
“Maybe because these are awesome. I’m going to be a pig and clean this plate up.”
“It’s worth it,” he said. “I got my workout in this morning.”
“How much do you work out?” she asked, her eyes going to his arms. He saw her smirk. There was no reason to hide the fact she found him attractive. They’d already talked about that.
It’s not like she was going to get up and shake her ass at him with her thong on. Though if she had an opportunity to say she was wearing one, she’d damn well do it.
“Ninety minutes five times a week. I try to get anywhere from thirty to sixty minutes when I’m on the road if I can. One day of rest.”