They had a good relationship. She was a shoulder for him but never crossed over a line that many would.
Maybe he wouldn’t mind if she did.
No one seemed to ever care enough in his eyes to stick their head out for him.
He had to get this pity party out of his mind and backed out of his room for Penelope to keep napping.
“She’s getting so big,” his mother said.
“She is,” he said. “Smart too.”
“It helps to have hired help teaching her.”
He sighed. “Mom, don’t go there again. You should be thrilled she is getting the care that she needs.”
“I am,” his mother said.
“We are making headway with Penelope Plush Soap,” he said.
“That’s nice,” his mother said.
“Why won’t you let me put some shares of the company in your name?” he asked.
“I don’t need it,” his mother said. “And if you do it, your father is going to give the profits to the church.”
“No,” he said. “Why can’t it go to you? Don’t you ever get a break or get to enjoy some of the nicer things in life?”
“I don’t need those things,” his mother said. “It’s not what is important.”
“No,” he said. “Busting your ass serving other people is more important.”
“Don’t swear in my house.”
He turned and saw his father come into the back door. Earlier than he thought.
“I’m trying to get Mom to accept something from me so she’s not working so hard. Why is that a bad thing?”
“I can take care of your mother,” his father said. “I’m not sure why you think I can’t just because I don’t have a bank account as big as yours or some fancy house and cars. I’ve got more than the family I was just with.”
He’d heard this too many times in his life. “What’s going on?” he asked.
“No need to bother you with it,” his father said.
“Maybe I can help,” he said.
His father perked up after that. Always for other people.
“Lynn is a single mother with four children. She’s out of food for the month and her assistance is up too. I let her go through the pantry to get enough to hold her over and have a nice Christmas dinner.”
Jesus, this stuff made him ill.
“Is she still here?” he asked.
“She’s in the pantry with Maureen. I came over quickly to see if we had any toys in storage for her to give the kids to have under the tree.”
“Do you know where she lives?” he asked.
“Not far from here. Why?” his father asked.