“I’ve fought so hard to keep her out of the public eye,” he said.

“As you should. She’s a special child in the most wonderful way possible. And you’re an awesome father.”

The two of them were standing close to each other as they talked quietly. Almost whispering and she wasn’t sure why they both were.

“You’ve got syrup on your lip,” he said, his hand reaching out.

“What?” she asked, reaching up, her hand landing on his trying to wipe it off.

They were frozen there staring at each other.

Before she knew what happened his lips were touching hers and she wasn’t pushing him away.


She was pulling him closer until his mouth opened and hers followed.

The touch of his tongue on hers was what woke her up out of her trance.

She stepped back. “I’m sorry,” she said.

“Don’t be,” he said. “It’s no one's fault.”

“I’ve got to go,” she said and turned and ran out as fast as she could, got in her car, and wondered what the hell just happened to her.

Laken wasn’t one to lose her mind like that over anything, least of all a man.



“I’m so glad you could come visit, Jamie. I don’t know why you couldn’t stay with us though,” his mother said two days before Christmas.

“You don’t have the room,” he said.

“Of course we do,” his mother said. “You could stay in your own room and Penelope in Deanna’s. Or isn’t it posh enough for you?”

Jamie knew his mother didn’t mean to say what she did, but she couldn’t help herself.

“It’s fine,” he said. “But Janelle is in town with us too. It was better to rent the house. She’s taking a little mini vacation.”

“I don’t know why you had to travel with your nanny,” his mother said, shaking her head. “No one has nannies. You should raise Penelope yourself.”

“And how do you think I can do that when I travel?” he asked.

“If you found a nice young woman to marry then you’d be set.”

He shook his head. In his mother’s eyes, a wife should stay home and keep house.

No one he had ever been with thought that way.

And if his mind went to Laken he knew beyond a doubt she wouldn’t be a stay-at-home wife and mom.

Not that she wouldn’t be good with kids like she was with Penelope bonding over a love for pancakes and fashion, but she had a career she wouldn’t give up. Nor should any man ask a woman to do that.

“I’m getting along just fine like this,” he said. Penelope was napping on his old twin bed. The fact his mother thought he could fit on that was a joke in itself.

“People are going to see Penelope in church with you on Christmas Day,” his mother said.