Page 102 of Love In The Spotlight

He knew his parents would hand it out accordingly and not to anyone who just wanted it because they couldn’t find it or didn’t want to pay for it.

It was more expensive than regular children’s soap and should be. But it wasn’t so far out of reach that a middle class family couldn’t purchase it to help with their child’s skin.

The funny part was, Nelson had told him that they had an email for feedback and a lot of customers didn’t have severe skin issues but just preferred their child have something natural on their skin and maybe parents were using it themselves.

He was glad it was as big of a hit but knew they’d have to capitalize on it more with themes and new sponges.

No business just sat back, but that was where West and his team would come into play.

“You’ve got a family here,” Laken said. “Give me a kiss and get out of here.”

“Kiss Laken and then me,” Penelope said.

He’d kissed Laken a few times in front of his daughter and she never really said much about it.

He guessed, looking back, there was no set conversation that was needed unless his daughter asked and she was too young to understand enough to do that.

He rushed out the door and walked the few blocks to where his meeting was to take place. He knew it’d be faster than getting a taxi. He’d parked his SUV a few blocks over and walked with Penelope here in his arms. Now he knew why very few drove in these parts.

When he got to his meeting, his agent was already there waiting outside the office.

“I thought you were going to be late,” Randy said.

“Daycare issues,” he said.

“Where’s Janelle?” Randy asked.

“On her cruise. Laken has Penelope.”

“Things are going good there?” Randy asked, “I’m getting a lot of questions.”

“And I know you’re replying that we made a statement.”

Randy had been a bit put out the statement came from West’s office without going through his office or publicist too, but Jamie didn’t have to run every part of his life through those he paid.

“I am,” Randy said. “How is Penelope with everything going on?”

“She’s two. She doesn’t know. Nothing more than today I had to cover her up to get her to Laken, but I made a game out of it. It’s working. I knew this would happen and I’ll figure it out as we go.”

“You’ve always been good in clutch situations,” Randy said. “This is no different.”

“No,” he said. He followed his agent in and sat through the meeting listening to what they were offering him.

Ninety minutes later, Randy had the basic details negotiated. The only thing that sucked was it was going to happen in Texas so he’d be gone for a few days. He was used to only being away from Penelope for one night, maybe two. This could be a little longer.

Now that Penelope was out in the open though, maybe he could bring Janelle and Penelope with him.

He was walking back to Laken’s office when his phone rang and he noticed it was his mother calling.

He looked around to see if he could find a place to talk. He answered and then walked to the park not that far away and stood against a tree away from people.

“I’m good now,” he said. “I needed to find a quiet place. Is everything okay?”

“It’s fine,” his mother said. “I hate to ask you this.”

“Ask me anything,” he said. “Never worry about that.”

“We ran out of the soaps you sent. I didn’t realize the need. I was careful of who to give it to, but we could see the skin issues on people. I guess I never paid a lot of attention to it. Some of the parishioners were asking for my recipe since you said you got it from me.”