“It’s not,” he said. “I could have called my parents and told them over the phone.”

She laughed, not a funny sound either. “I thought you’ve tried that.”

He let out a sigh. “My mother never seems to have time. Or she says I call at the wrong time. I try to call when Penelope is napping or in bed. She’s usually making lunch or cleaning up for the night.”

“If you wanted to tell them you’d do it when your mother was available.”

He let out a sigh. “I’d ask when she could talk and she’d put it off. I’m not sure of the reason. Or maybe she knows this is coming. It’s not like they aren’t aware the company is going public next week.”

Everything was happening much faster than he thought. Though if he looked at it all, it was about four months since West and he signed the contract to when his product would be for sale in one of the biggest retail chains in the US.

Much faster than usual. Yep, that was West’s contacts for him.

The products would be in the stores a few days before their morning show appearance so people could go and start buying. Their website was up right now too but wasn’t getting a lot of action.

Paid ads would be set for that starting on Monday.

“Do they know you are going to talk about Penelope?” she asked.

“I never came right out and said it. I’d think it’d be obvious, but they’d always changed the subject on me. I thought my mother would be thrilled it was her formula that this came from.”

“Did you put any of the shares in their name?” she asked. “You can do that even without them knowing.”

“I know,” he said. “I might at some point. It’s not worth it right now. It’d only start another fight. My parents will retire at some point and that is when I’ll figure it out.”

It’s not that he hadn’t started a mutual fund for them. He just never told them. He deposited a large sum and had been watching it grow for years.

“It’s your family,” she said. “You know what is best. Are you telling them who I am other than through work?”

“I am,” he said. “I might not lead with it. They know I’m not coming alone. I gave your name and they know West’s name. They did ask if you were related.”

“I’m going to try not to say a word,” she said. “I’m sure with me there they won’t say what they want to.”

“Don’t be so sure,” he said.

They drove in silence the rest of the way and he pulled into the driveway of the house he grew up in.

It was big because they held a lot of gatherings inside and took kids in at times. But it was old and needed a lot of work.

He parked his rental and they climbed out and walked to the back door.

He knocked once and opened it. His mother was in the kitchen pulling cookies out.

His favorite and it surprised him. She didn’t often bake him things and she knew he didn’t eat a lot of sweets either.

“Jamie,” his mother said. “It’s so nice to see you again.”

“Hi, Mom,” he said, hugging her. “I’m glad you had time to see me.”

“I’m just baking cookies for our Thursday session tonight,” his mother said.

So much for him thinking they were for him.

“I won’t take up much of your time,” he said. “This is Laken Carlisle. I told you she was coming with me today.”

“Nice to meet you,” Laken said. “I’ve heard a lot about you and how you saved Jamie’s skin when he was younger.”

“In more than one way,” his mother said. “Please come in and have a seat. May I offer you tea or coffee?”