Guess there wasn’t much he could keep from her. “I am,” he said.

“I’m glad. I’m not sure why it’s such a secret from me. You know if there is anyone you can trust it’s the person guarding your daughter’s identity from the world.”

“I know that,” he said. “And you never judge.”

“No,” Janelle said. “How could I judge a man as generous and caring as you?”

“Don’t put me on a pedestal or make me to be a saint.”

“We know you aren’t either of those things,” Janelle said, laughing.

“Not in my parents’ eyes for sure.”

“Don’t bring that into your house. You need to stop trying to be someone you’re never going to be. I’m not sure your parents even know what they want you to be.”

“Not who I am,” he said, laughing. But it did remind him of what was said the other day in the meeting with West. That Nelson was trying to be someone he wasn’t. That his siblings were trying to prove themselves to someone when they didn’t need to do it.

West was right. If he knew the outcome with his parents, then why did he keep trying so hard?

Because didn’t every child want their parents’ approval?

“Don’t do that to yourself,” Janelle said. “You’re a great son and a wonderful father. If they can’t see that, it’s on them.”

He’d heard this before.

“I know,” he said.

“Are you going to tell me who you’re dating or doesn’t it really matter?”

“It’s Laken Carlisle. You met her.”

Janelle smiled. “I gathered as much.”

“How?” he asked, frowning.

“You allowed her to come to your house. You knew we weren’t here, but that means nothing. You know as well as I do there are a lot of times we come home early. You had to return with Laken. I’d seen her car here when we got back and tried to keep Penelope back, but she heard the door and was off running before I could stop her.”

“It’s fine,” he said. Nothing warmed him more than to bend down and hold his arms out for his little girl.

“That’s right,” Janelle said. “It is fine. You’re entitled to find someone. The same with bringing someone into Penelope’s life.”

“I’m not sure how close I am to that yet,” he said.

“Closer than you think, but you tend to take your time when you’re unsure.”

There was no reason to dispute that.

“I don’t see her much. She’s on the road more than me. She’s a busy lady.”

“You need someone smart like that in your life. Someone that doesn’t spend all their time figuring out how to get your attention.”

“She definitely doesn’t do that.”

“I haven’t heard any whispers about this,” Janelle said. “You know I keep my eye out for pictures of you.”

He didn’t pay attention to things anymore. He didn’t want to know what was written about him half the time.

“We aren’t seen out in public often,” he said. “Not enough to raise eyebrows.”