“I do hope so,” her mother said, pulling the wine bottle out. “The boys are upstairs now.”

She’d heard the voices trailing off, then turned when West, Abby, Trevor, Braylon and Lily came into the kitchen.

“We are leaving,” West said. “Thought we’d give you a kiss and hug now.”

Her mother moved around the room hugging and kissing everyone. Even one for Trevor. “I’ll be talking to you soon about wedding plans,” she told Abby’s father. “Let West have his way. I know it’s going to be hard, but he loves your daughter and wants her to have the best.”

Abby came from a middle class upbringing very similar to her life. Heck, Abby probably had more than she did growing up because there were only two kids as opposed to eight to provide for.

“I’ll try,” Trevor said.

When everyone was out the door, she grabbed two wine glasses, but Talia came rushing in. “Don’t start without me.”

“I thought you were going to go talk to some of your friends downstairs,” she said.

“I will after one glass. It’s not often us three girls get time together. It will be nice, don’t you think?”

“I do,” she said, grabbing a third glass.

Her mother poured the wine and the three of them got settled in the living room with cookies.

She started to grin and Talia asked, “What’s funny?”

“What?” she asked.

“You’re smiling as if you’re thinking of something funny.”

Laken didn’t want to admit she was thinking of how Jamie was strict with a diet with his daughter. Her mother and sister would want to know more than she was willing to say if that was the case.

“Nothing,” she said. “Just enjoying this time with my mother and sister.”

Her mother’s expression softened and she knew it was the right thing to say.

Hours later she was lying in bed after two glasses and feeling pretty relaxed.

She was just ready to doze off when her phone dinged. She should have shut it off today but could never really disconnect.

She picked it up and had to read it twice.

Merry Christmas. Stop hiding from me. The kiss wasn’t a mistake. At least I didn’t think so. When you’re back in town I want to talk...not about work.

Oh my.

She wasn’t sure how to reply to this.

She didn’t know if she should either.

But then she realized he’d know she read it since she had her fingers over the keyboard and it might look as if she was typing.

That is if he was watching after he hit send.

Nah, he wouldn’t be.

Or would he?

She didn’t know what to think and started to wonder if the wine was clouding her judgment.

She took a deep breath and replied. Merry Christmas...and we should talk.