“I might have crossed the line on a personal comment,” she said. “I’ll fess up and I apologized.”

She told them what she’d asked.

Braylon didn’t know as much as West did about Jamie. “He’ll be fine,” West said. “Give him a day or so. If I have to talk to him, I will.”

“He seemed fine when we were done with lunch. He liked some of the ideas the marketing team had. He narrowed down the drawings of the sponges but then asked if he could bring them home and let Penelope choose them.”

Which she thought was a great idea and super sweet that he was keeping his daughter involved in this process.

“I don’t see a problem with it,” West said. “Not if you’ve got them narrowed down anyway.”

“I didn’t think you would. What’s wrong with you?” she asked Braylon. Her brother wasn’t paying attention and just staring off into space.

“Nothing,” Braylon said.

“Doesn’t look it to me,” West said. “Spill. This is family, not work.”

“Is Thomas being a dick?” she asked of Braylon’s boss. Braylon hardly ever complained, but she’d stick up for her brother. All her brothers, just like she had Nelson earlier.

“Nothing more than normal,” Braylon said. “It’s more Lily. Her boss is giving her a hard time at work.”

“Really?” she asked. “That’s too bad. What’s going on?”

“I guess Lily’s immediate supervisor was out one day and a few higher ups talked to her. They had some questions about a project because Stella wasn’t available. In the process the two guys realized Lily was doing the work and not getting the credit, but Lily tried to cover it up to not make waves.”

“Good on her, but she needs to make sure she gets the credit.”

She’d talked to Lily a few times about this. Feeling a little like a mentor since Lily went to college for communication like Laken and had a similar background.

What she’d love more than anything would be to hire Lily as an assistant. She needed one desperately. More so spending so much time with Penelope Plush Soap when she still had other responsibilities.

But the last thing she was going to do was bring that up when Braylon had only been dating Lily for a few months, and on top of that, their relationship started under false pretenses.

A fake engagement ring Lily was trying to pull off and then Braylon riding in on his white horse like West would have done. Heck, at the start Lily had even said she went by Lilian and now they found out she went by Lily her whole life.

Braylon was like West in that her oldest brother had saved Abby when they first met too.

Funny now that she thought of it.

“I told her that too, but I know she doesn’t like all the attention on her. There is only so much I can do other than be there for support.”

“Good for you,” she said. “But back to Jamie. I’m flying to Chicago tomorrow to deal with a few things and won’t be back until Saturday. I can tell Jamie is a little nervous about Nelson, but I think he’s on board.”

“What did you tell him?” West said.

She filled them in on how she approached it. “Boy,” Braylon said. “You know a lot of personal things about him. That’s not like you. What gives?”

She didn’t need her brothers to realize that. Then they might start to think she had a crush on Jamie.

Which she did but would never admit it.

The guy totally wasn’t her type.

Besides, they were doing business together.

Never mix business and pleasure. That’d been drilled into her head from day one.

Or maybe it was her own mantra because she was so used to men only wanting to get to know her because of who her brother was.