“An inheritance from an uncle I didn’t know I had. The old me would have spent it on bets before it even hit my bank account, but I know exactly what I’m doing with this. You’re free, Ethan. We can pay off the debt.”

Chapter 14


I never enjoyed bringing my work home. In fact, I actively avoided it at all costs. But Andro and I ran into a situation that couldn't be avoided. In order to take care of a certain mess, we had to bring that mess home.

Andro stormed into my office and tossed me my holster. “Load up. We’re taking care of Russo once and for all.”

I didn’t question him. It was something I’d been wanting to do for a long time, and I was just waiting for the invitation.

Finally, it had arrived.

I slipped my shoulder holster on, checked the clip on my gun, and slid it into the slot. The weight of it was comfortable and familiar. “Not that I’m complaining, but what brought this on?”

Andro was already on the move, so I followed him out of the office and down the hall. His steps were determined. “You know I gave Trev a few assignments to help keep him busy while he recovered?”


“Well, one of those assignments was to keep track of Russo’s latest business endeavors. He’s increased his movements lately, and I wanted to know why.”

This was more interesting than I expected. “I take it he found something?”

“Yeah. Motherfucker has been kidnapping omegas and selling them. It was bad enough when the omega’s involvement was somewhat voluntary. But this is where I draw the line.”

I knew my brother and there had to be more to the story. But I didn’t worry about what it was because I’d wanted to end Russo’s existence for a long time.

“Last week, one of his guys picked up Rowan.”

“Cousin Rick’s son?” I hadn’t seen Rowan in years. He was much younger than me and my brothers, and his family wasn’t involved heavily in our businesses.

“Yeah. We got him back, but he’s shook up. I don’t know what all he went through, but I know it wasn’t good. We were also able to get five other omegas out of the house they were holding him in.”

My fists clenched as I clenched my jaw. “Let’s get this son of a bitch.”

The takedown took some orchestration.

First, we had to lure our subject in on the premise of forming a partnership. Our business dealings were shady at best and incredibly illegal at worst, but there were certain crimes we absolutely drew the line at—and that was a line Van Russo had crossed.

Normally, if things like that happened, we left it alone. But Van went too far, abducting omegas—one of our own—and selling them on the black market.

Now, we were out for revenge.

“I've been waiting a long time to be able to do this.” Andro cracked his knuckles with that evil glint in his eyes.

Van sat before us, arms bound behind him in a chair.

We had a part to play. I wanted to see Van squirm. “Yeah? You never mentioned anything before.”

“I never mentioned how I wanted to break both his knees and cut off his fingers?” Andro shrugged. “Well, now you know.”

“Fuck both of you,” Van said.

“Interesting choice of words. I haven't decided yet if I'm gonna kill you or simply strip you of everything you've ever stolen and leave you here. Which would you prefer? I could have you castrated and leave you as a eunuch for the rest of your life. Lord knows you've used that small dick of yours for crimes so vile I can’t even put them into words.”

“Fuck you!” He spit at Andro but missed by a foot.”You’re not exactly a saint yourself.”

I reacted without hesitation, slamming my fist into his face. “Nobody talks to my brother like that. Except for me, of course.”