“She’s a mutt. German Shepherd, beagle mix. A big dog, sheds a lot, plus having puppies—no one wanted a pregnant dog. But she’s just the sweetest thing. When she first got here, she needed 24/7 care, so I kept her at my house for a while.”

In that moment, I knew there was no way in hell we were walking out of that place without that dog and those four puppies.

Ethan sat down and started stroking her fur and then inspecting each puppy one by one. I pulled out my phone, snapped a few pictures, and then sent out some instructions to my guys.

There was some prep work to do before we got back home.

Chapter 13


I lay on my back with my head at the foot of the bed so my arm could dangle over the edge and reach Kira and her puppies on the floor. I still couldn’t believe Orsino allowed me to bring them home and that Andro allowed the dogs inside the house.

We borrowed a kennel from the shelter and were able to fit Kira and the pups in the back of the SUV our bodyguards drove. It was like it was meant to be. I spent the whole ride home thanking Orsino, barely stopping short of giving him a blowjob in the car. But we had taken our time when we got back to the house and parked in the garage.

Everyone in the house fell in love with the dogs.

Actually, I was pretty sure Andro and Joey had already picked out a pup of their own. Anytime I brought Kira and the pups into the playroom, the kids were all over them. The puppies were already used to being handled by people, and Kira didn’t mind the attention at all.

She was good with the children as well.

“I should not be this tired.” I scratched Kira’s head and sighed.

Her ears perked up, but her head didn’t move. She was used to me talking her ear off, and she was a fantastic listener. It had been two weeks since I’d returned to work, two weeks since we had gotten the dogs, and after every shift, I came home and took a quick nap.

But today, that quick nap turned into a two-hour snoozefest. I even missed a text from Orsino asking where I was. Once I woke up, I told him I was resting.

He replied with an image that he must have taken of me asleep in our bed. I know.

There were plenty of reasons why a person would be so tired after working all day, but in my heart of hearts, I knew what the real reason was. The pregnancy test Connor had stashed in the bathroom was waiting for me to gain the courage to take it.

It would be quick. I knew exactly what I had to do, but that didn’t mean I felt brave enough to do it.

Once I had confirmation that I was pregnant, then I had to tell Orsino, and I didn’t yet know if he would consider a pregnancy to be a good thing or not.

I really wanted to have a baby. I just hoped Orsino did too.

The knock on my door made me jump. I exited the bedroom and went into the sitting area of the suite to open the door.

“You really ought to ask who it is before just opening up.” Jeremiah pushed his way inside and gave me a hug.

“Right, I forget. Is it really that dangerous in the house?” We had bodyguards around us at all times, and I’d seen the security room that showed all the cameras they had keeping an eye on the property. It was extensive.

Jeremiah raised a brow. “I told you about Trev, didn’t I? He was shot trying to prevent me from being kidnapped. Andro has gone a little overboard since then.”

That was an understatement. I had been clued into a lot of the family business information, but it was hard to believe it all. I still hadn’t seen any evidence of the danger, and I trusted everyone was right to be worried, but I hoped all that was in the past.

“What’s up?” I was always happy to see him but he didn’t usually stop by without letting me know first.

“Just checking in, seeing how you’re doing. Usually, you come hang out with us for a bit. Since you’ve been back to work, we haven’t seen you as much.”

“I’ve just been tired.” I nodded toward the sofa and we sat down.

“I bet. Speaking of, how are the pups?”

That brought a big smile to my face. “Perfect.”

I was surprised to see him without his brood. “Where are the twins?”