In just a week, he and Ethan had come a long way in repairing their relationship. They talked every day, and Ethan had accompanied him to one of his meetings. Marco’s sponsor was a nice guy and an even better friend.

My alarm went off again, reminding me we had only fifteen minutes until we needed to be at our appointment. Although we could be late, considering it was with our in-house doctor, I was anxious to see our little one.

"Come on." I got out of bed and pulled Ethan up with me.

Within a few minutes, we were both dressed and ready. It was a short walk from our suite to where Andro had set up the hospital room complete with an ultrasound machine. At the time he had done so, I thought it was obsessive and frivolous to spend the money he did on this room. Now that I had a pregnant omega, I was thankful for the equipment and staff within such easy reach.

"Ah, just in time." Dr. Nindy looked up from his laptop. "Have you had an ultrasound before, Ethan?"

Ethan shook his head. "No, I've never needed to have one."

"That's fine. We'll get you taken care of. Do we know how far along you are?"

"Six weeks or so?" Ethan guessed.

"That’s probably about right. His heat hit shortly after I brought him home.” By now, everyone in the house knew our story. Gossip traveled fast. Neither Ethan nor I were ashamed of how our relationship started, and some might even call it romantic.

“There might not be much to see, but we'll at least get a good idea of the baby's age. We'll also get a baseline heartbeat, but at this point, you won’t see any cute little features—no fingers, no toes."

Ethan nodded and squeezed my hand. "That's fine. We just want to make sure everything is healthy."

"Great. Let’s get started."

Ethan hopped up on the table and pulled up his shirt. The doctor got the gel ready, squirting a bit on his tummy and swirling it around with the ultrasound wand. The image on the screen came into view, and the steady thump-thump of our baby's heart filled the room.

"Ah, nice, strong heartbeat for that one. I didn't even have to look for it. Measuring at a good beats per minute, nothing to be concerned about there. We can see there’s only one, in case you were worried about twins."

"Well, I wasn’t before, so I guess that’s good." Ethan let out a nervous laugh.

"And it looks like you’re right. You’re about six weeks along. That puts your due date in December. You just might have a Christmas baby."

"Fantastic. They will have that in common with me," I said.

"Let me go ahead and print some of these pictures for you. And there’s a new feature —I can record the heartbeat and have it sent as a sound file to your phone."

I perked up at that. I could hear our child’s heart beat any time I wanted? Sign me up.

Ethan chuckled as he looked at me. "You should see how wide your eyes are. Love, you’re really that excited to have our child’s heartbeat on your phone?"

"Actually, yeah." I wouldn’t have believed it seven weeks ago, but it was completely true. "Yeah, I am."

Ethan beamed up at me. "Dr. Nindy, you'll have to be sworn to secrecy about what a softy my husband is."

I’d never get tired of hearing him call me that. After we promised ourselves to one another, we made it 100% official at one of the casino chapels. It hadn’t been anything extravagant, and only Jeremiah and Felik had been there to witness it, but that was fine with us. We didn’t need any fanfare. We just needed each other.

"Your secret is safe with me," the doctor said as she cleaned up Ethan’s belly and then left us alone.

"It’s really happening." I pressed my palms to his flat belly, excited to feel the life blossoming in there someday.

Ethan cocked his head and raised an eyebrow. "Did you doubt it?"

"Not for a minute, love, but now I have their heartbeat on my phone."

He leaned down and kissed the top of my head. "I’m glad you have that.”

“I love you so much, Ethan. Thank you for giving me a chance."

"I love you, Orsino. And you’re the one who gave me a life. A future. A family.”