“I just want you to talk to me, Orsino. I don’t know your world, and sometimes, you’re gonna have to explain it to me. But I trust you. Always. If you think a person needs to be punished or killed, then I’ll hand you the gun. I just want you to be honest with me. I promise to listen.”

Orsino grinned, looking more like himself with each word that I spoke. “Anything for you, omega. I’d burn the world if you asked. I’d adopt all the dogs. Just say the word.”

I chuckled as I fell into his arms, leaning up for a kiss. “I love you, Orsino.”

“I love you, Ethan.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. Kira let out a happy yelp, and I squealed as he picked me up.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and nipped at his ear. “Take us home, alpha.”

“Us? You mean you and the dogs?”

“Me, the dogs, and the baby I’m carrying.”

Chapter 16


The calming rhythm of an orchestra echoed in my ears and pulled me from sleep. I had set the gentle alarm, so I should have expected it.

Ethan moved in my arms, the top of his head nearly knocking into my chin. I tightened my hold and he settled, letting out a contented sigh.

"Aren't you gonna turn that off?" His voice was still rough with sleep, and he hadn't even opened his eyes. My omega had been sleeping so much lately, and I was more than happy to hang out in bed with him if it meant he got the rest he needed.

"No, love, I’m not. It’ll go off in a second." I had specifically set the alarm to play calming music, not the blare of an actual alarm. I was doing all I could to reduce any sort of stress on Ethan.

Ethan’s eyes popped open. "Wait. Aren't you working today?"

"No, love, I’m not." I grinned, repeating the words.

Ethan burrowed his head into my chest. "If you keep taking days off, Andro is gonna fire you." Despite his words, he didn’t move away from me or lessen his grip. His leg stayed right where it was, looped over mine and pinning me down.

I chuckled. "He’d be hard-pressed to find another person who does what I do."

I didn't worry about talking about my work anymore. After I brought him home, Ethan and I had a long heart-to-heart about what I did and what the true family business was. He didn’t love parts of it, but he loved me, and I loved him, and we could make that work. It had been a week since we moved him in permanently, without any contract between us, just our absolute devotion to one another.

"We have our ultrasound today, love. I cleared the whole day for that."

Ethan peeked his head out from underneath the blanket. "You know those only take a few minutes, right?"

"Maybe. But I thought we might have a nice lunch, go to the park, maybe do some shopping for our little one."

He chuckled. "Yes, I suppose that could be fun. We'll have to figure out a nursery situation."

He looked around our bedroom and frowned. Our room was not set up the same way that Andro’s and Louie’s had been. Theirs had been remodeled to add space for a nursery. I didn’t have the same option since the rooms next to mine were in use.

It was something we would have to figure out. I wasn’t ready to move out of the main house like Jeremiah and Felik, but perhaps a change in scenery was in order.

I ran my fingers through his hair, gently massaging his scalp. "Have you talked to your dad?"

Ethan nodded. "Yeah, I even talked to Louie. Sounds like Dad’s doing just fine with his new job."

I chuckled. "I'm glad."

I’d been hesitant to offer the man a position within the casino, but after speaking with him and his sponsor, Ethan and I both felt that having a steady job and a purpose would be better for him in the long run.

Inheritance or not, he needed income, and he needed to be kept busy. He was an expert in the casino as a gambler, even though he lost more than he won. But he knew the inner workings and how cheaters thought, so joining the security detail in the control room fit him well.

And it helped that I could keep him close to make sure he didn’t step out of line while allowing him access to his grandchild.