He took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay, I will support you 100%."

"Thank you." It was weird to hear him speak to me like this. He was a completely different man. One I hadn’t seen in forever. "That means a lot. I think I’m gonna lie down for a little while. I'm not feeling so well.”

“Yeah, of course. I have a meeting tomorrow with my group. I'd love it if you would come. You can meet my sponsor. He and I have become good friends, and it's been nice to have someone to hang out with who understands."

"That’s great, Dad." I stood up, ready to fall into a deep sleep for a long time.

"But, I'm still looking for a job. I don't quite have my feet under me yet. What's left of the inheritance money can be stretched for a while, though. We're gonna be alright, son. I promise you that."

For the first time in a very long time, I believed him. At least something good came of all this. I grabbed my father in a tight hug. “Thank you. I'll be there every step of the way. I promise."

"I know you will.”

I didn't know my way around anymore, but I found my way up to my old bedroom. Though I had lived on my own for quite a while, I still had a space in the old house. Surprisingly, it was untouched. My father had pawned off many of his other things, all the nice things he’d ever had, but my room was exactly like I left it.

I crawled into the bed and closed my eyes. Kira hopped up there with me and the pups cuddled on some pillows I threw on the ground by my bed. Orsino never allowed dogs in the bed, but she must have sensed that I needed her closer to me.

I ran my fingers through her fur and let the tears flow. "We're gonna be alright, girl. We're gonna be alright.” Tomorrow, I’d go back to work and then find a doctor to see about my pregnancy.

Once I knew more, I’d figure out how to communicate that information to Orsino. All would be well.

Somehow, someway, it would all work out.

A few moments later, my father came up. "I have some tea for you. It worked wonders for your father when he was pregnant."

"Thanks." I took the cup and placed it on the nightstand.

"You know, you hear a lot about the owners of the casinos when you sit in there for as long as I did. Of all the guys to sell yourself to, Orsino was probably the scariest. I mean, aside from the Russo family or the Menettis before the middle brother took over. They're more terrifying. But at least the Ferrinis operate on a code of ethics."

"Russo?" I was surprised to hear that name again so soon. "What do you know about them?"

My father shrugged. "Not a whole lot, just rumors. They're in a completely different territory than the Ferrinis. I never quite understood why the Ferrinis didn't take them down. Like I said, they have a code of ethics. Russo does not. Hell, once his own son is old enough, I wouldn't be surprised if he sells him on the black market like he does with all the other omegas he can get his hands on. Omegas have a tendency to disappear around him."

"Right…" The pieces were starting to come together and a different kind of knot formed in my chest.

"I'll let you rest, son. Let me know if you need anything else, okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Dad." As soon as he left the room, I closed my eyes, hoping for sleep to take me under. After a few minutes, Kira sat up. Her ears were perked just before a knock sounded at the front door.

“You can’t see him.” My father’s voice echoed up the stairs. It was stern, with only a slight shake. Whoever he was talking to intimidated him.

“Marco, out of respect, I’ll ask again politely, but I’m not leaving here without my omega.”

I was up and moving without a thought. Instinct told me to go to my alpha, no matter what.

“He isn’t yours. I said I’d pay my debt. You let him go!”

“I did let him leave, and it was a mistake. The debt is clear. There’s no debt now. I want Ethan to be mine because it’s his choice, but I need to tell him that. He needs to hear it from me, and I’m not leaving?—”

“I’m here.” I cleared my throat to get their attention as soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs. “I’m yours.”

I’d only been gone for a few hours, but to look at Orsino, you would have thought I was gone for a year. His clothes were disheveled, and his hair was a mess. There was a red rim to his eyes that I’d never seen before. My alpha was usually so put together, but now he just looked… lost.

I hated that I had done that to him.

“I’ll quit, Ethan. For you. If that’s what you want, I can do something different.”

I stepped toward him until we were inches from one another. I cupped his face in my hand and he leaned into me, his eyes fluttering closed.