Page 15 of Hell and High Water

“Ooh, the Sinful. You hear anything else?”

“Nope.” I almost leave it at that for now, heading upstairs through the back entrance of the office. It’s familiar, the scent, the clean, crisp nature of my workplace. “The last thing I got was just a text. Almost seemed automated. It said, “Hold the pattern. And wait.”

“Huh. That’s the same message I just got this morning.”

“What?” I turn back, my eyebrow shooting up.

“I tried to trace it.” He shakes his head.

“Should have told me that sooner.”

“Didn’t seem that important. The only interesting thing is that we finally got the same message.”

“Instead of contrary orders?”

“Yeah.” We’re both uneasy about the fact that our ‘leadership’ was giving us conflicting guidance on how to handle Hellena. And that they had plans for her at all.

Inside, we unload our stuff in the waiting room.

At least Tell isn’t disorganized. He’s absurdly neat and clean, actually.

If I didn’t know any better, I'd think he was OCD.

Heading back through the office, I have to force myself to ignore the studio and the days, until just over a week ago, when she was here with me. I miss it. I miss her.

Worse because we’ve moved all of our stuff into her old office, the biggest room by far, best for conferences and laying out the research and paperwork Tell hates so much. We’ve got just about every file spread out, open for easy access. Hers was the biggest room, with tables and a whiteboard.

And with another set of eyes to look through things, it made the most sense.

“Being our own bosses is kinda like letting the kids run the school, huh?” Tell flops down in his usual seat.

“Speak for yourself. I’ve been my own boss for years now, with minimal input from… them.”

“Yeah, I guess I have, too. Most of the money I’ve made has been through contacts and deals. Don’t get me wrong, though. Not having a faceless overlord you have to check in with is pretty great. Minus the worry that the whole town is going to shit.”


“It’s this whole having you in charge that’s a little too ‘stick up my ass’ for me.”

“I don’t see you stepping up.”

“Gavin would make a way better leader.”

“Why don’t you try telling him that? He’s been on bedside duty the most of all of us.”

“Woof. I’m not taunting that bear in his cave.”

“Exactly,” I snap. What’s really rankling me is the fact that Hellena is still out. Having her to help me here, to field ideas to…

“In any case, I’m not in charge. We’re all partners in this debacle.”

“Ooh, partners, huh? Will you take me out for a fancy dinner tonight, like a real date?”

“Sure. Right after you put out and find me all the secrets of the Sinful.”

“Right away, darling. I’ll even wear that dress you like! You really think there’s anything here?”

“I have files dating back thirty years. There’s got to be something.” I ignore the mockery. It only encourages him.