Page 177 of Hell and High Water

“I’m driving. You’re hurt.”

“So are you—oh!” He coughs in agony as he says it, doubling over.

Sliding him into the seat, I bite my tongue to keep from making a snarky remark about male bravado, rushing to get the truck moving. If we hurry, we might make it back around to the other road that leads to the far side of the dam.

I need to know.

“Get on the radio. See what’s going on out there.”

“Aye-aye, skipper.”


“It’s a close second to my smart mouth.”

“And still smarter than your actual brain!’

“Oh!” Tell frowns, pretending to be offended.

As always, he can read me like a fucking book. I need the jokes, the back and forth banter to keep me from going into a spiral, falling apart.

“Come on, baby girl, just get me to Gavin and you can have a rest,” I mutter as the truck sputters back to life, puttering down the incline.

I have to hope we don’t get stranded or encounter much water in our path.

Every one of those hopes is dashed to pieces the minute we reach the three-way fork. The road is washed out ahead, forcing us to turn back toward the other side of town, back the way we came. Another few turns and a mile later, we’re blocked again, rerouted toward Tell’s family’s place.

And dangerously close to where Marco’s holed up.

“Just kill the lights when we get close and go slow. Maybe we can slip by in the chaos.”

“Or maybe the whole place will be underwater and Marco’s floating face down.” My voice only shakes a little as I say it.

News from the shortwave is only slightly better. Ora and Alaya are safe, still coordinating rescues from the worst areas where people were still in their homes when the water hit. We’ll have to deal with a severe refugee problem come daylight, but for now, they have food, blankets. Rescue efforts will continue throughout the night.

I couldn’t be more grateful for those badass bikers right about now.

But even as Tell signs off after a teary farewell between Ora and me, there’s no word about Gavin or Tell. Other reports filter in as we double back again, heading around the back roads of the Vanderbergs’ property. The scouts are still out, spreading word to anyone who needs to move, asking anyone in safe zones to take in those in need.

Tell’s spy network is really remarkable.

And the people of Sanctum are filling me with pride, helping one another.

Banding together.

I only wish it were under better circumstances. Most of the town is under water, according to Clarence and his cohorts.

“It’ll take time, but most of it will wash out to sea.”

“Great. After destroying everything in the meantime.”

Tell can only nod as my control wavers, my positive attitude crumbling in the face of the odds. I press on, gripping the steering wheel.

Adding to the problems, Ora told me that we’re basically cut off, splitting our forces in half, cutting off most escape routes from town. Problems for another time, if we can make it through the night.

With no other way to go, Tell and I decide to head back to my dad’s fortress. Maybe Evan and Gavin will make their way there. And it’s our only option. We need sleep.

And I realize I’m shivering, detaching slowly from the events of the night.