“What would you like for breakfast today, Miss Hellena?”
“Hmm… I think I would love some French toast. Ooh, and bacon!”
“Right away. Chef is so thrilled to have someone so appreciative of his food to cook for!”
“Happy to keep him busy,” I groan, stretching out in the cool, smooth sheets.
Margaret opens the curtains to let some of the golden morning sun in. I almost marvel at it.
Just like I almost enjoy the feeling of the high thread count. The late sleeping hours. The gourmet cooking.
However, the wall that I built in the darkness won't let too much through.
I can’t be over-stimulated. I can’t fully enjoy anything.
Maybe ever again.
To let that part of me awaken would be a worse torture than what they’ve done so far. Down that path lies madness.
Humor helps alleviate some of the need for solace.
Anger helps smooth over the rest.
But I can pretend that I’m fine and that I’m adjusting to the way of life expected of me.
I can play the part expected of me. Especially if it keeps me out of that dungeon.
“Oh, and I think I will take breakfast in the sunroom!” I announce with a wide smile.
“Yes, Ma’am.”
Most days lately, I wear my robe and slippers, comfortable things for the first half of the day. Call it an indulgence, but it keeps me calm until the horrors of my nightmares fade. Like a weighted blanket of dissociation and other coping mechanisms.
Usually around noon, or a bit after.
It also serves to send the message that I am the princess of this palace, if not the queen. The guards all but ignore me, most of them unaware that only a few days ago, I was locked up under the house. Which in retrospect, I am very glad for because the attentions of most of these men would have been all the wrong kind.
Less attention is better. No attention is best.
The shape of a plan has started to form in my head since Marco assigned Sing to be my shadow. With that oversight, Marco has been more lenient, less involved. I think he’s preoccupied with affairs down south.
Which means he spends most of his time on the phone in his office.
Or leaves for a day at a time.
Leaving me the run of the place. So, I’ve explored a bit, done as much digging as I can without arousing suspicion. I can’t exactly take over his office, but I’ve poked around.
I found some passwords, things I may be able to use when the time is right.
And I’ve slowly begun to test the waters with what I can get away with. Ordering a guard here and there to do my bidding, to run some odd errand in town for me, shows me how they see me.
Mostly harmless. But clearly, to be obeyed…
I’ll have to see just how far I can push that.
My breakfast is as scrumptious as expected. Only the best for Marco Vice and his future wife.