“Who have different needs than the rest of the state,” I remind him. “Even if we intend to do things a bit differently ourselves.”
“If I ever doubted it before, I certainly understand now. And realize how much I benefited from some of it before. I can’t thank you both enough for opening my eyes to the truth of the matter.”
“You’ve got plenty of terms left to make amends.” I cock my head, smirking.
“Glad to know I have your vote.”
Ever the politician. But not bad, compared to most. I would almost go as far as to say I like the guy. Even if he does constantly try to hit on my girl. Mostly trying to get her to dance with him again.
Can’t blame him.
“And the full support of the city,” Hellena adds, letting go of his crooked arm and turning him to look at her.
“And the Seven?” he quips, raising an eyebrow.
“Senator Garcia, you’ve been listening to tabloid rumors. Whatever would give you the idea that the Seven still exist? Rachelle Tyson saw to their demise, at great cost to all of us.”
“My apologies. Old habits. I suppose there are no mysteries left in Sanctum to uncover.”
“That has yet to be seen. But it’s understandable that you would be skeptical. The Sinful are an integral part of all of our history. Especially mine.”
“But no longer?”
“I never said that.” Hellena presses her lips together, her eyes wide and innocent. Bold. Leave it to my love to lock horns with a member of the U.S. Senate.
“What does the future hold for Sanctum Harbor and the order?” he muses, continuing on his walk.
“A bright, amicable alliance with our neighbors. A quiet, prosperous existence for our citizens. And continued support of those who assist us to that end.”
She’s come so far since that first day I met her in my office.
But she’s still the same brazen person I fell in love with. Only stronger. Smarter. Bolder.
“You’d hold your own in the halls of Congress, talking like that. Sure I can’t convince you to…”
“Mrs. Garcia would take issue with that, I think.” Hellena winks. “All I want is to guarantee our continued autonomy. To provide a safe haven for…”
“Criminals? Outlaws?”
“Individuals. Outsiders,” Hellena corrects, eyeing me and the two men standing at the stone railing of the gardens, overlooking a gorgeous lawn. Both of them look back at us, smiling knowingly, leaving the politics to the two best suited to it.
They have their own strengths.
A balance to mine. A compliment to Hell’s.
“Fine line. What’s to keep the old ways from resurfacing?”
“Us.” She smirks, nodding to Tell, Gavin. And off a way from where we’re chatting, Ora, Alaya. Sing.
“Hmm. Can’t help but notice…” Garcia assesses our gang, rubbing his hands together as he heads back toward the main house. “Seven of you. Hmm.”
“A coincidence, I’m sure.”
“Undoubtedly. But coincidence or not, there’s a question that I can’t help but ask. Will you remain the seven sins, or become the seven virtues?” He grins. With a casual shrug, he leaves us to wander.
“Just when I thought things couldn’t get any cheesier, ol’ Senator Clooney goes and starts throwing around B-movie plots.” Tell says, half laughing.
“You’re basically the protagonist in one,” Gavin rumbles, raising an eyebrow.